What Brahma Kumaris don’t want you to know.

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University?

Brahma Kumaris’ Raja Yoga is now promoted behind the facade of new age, positive thinking, values based and coporate training courses. Many individuals experience benefit from these. Indeed, some individuals can look back at their time as a “student” of the BKWSU positively. However, whether right or wrong, at the core of BKWSU teachings and lifestyles are identical elements to recognised cult behaviour. Elements that are hidden from the general public and slowly introduced during the process of indoctrination.

Whilst claiming to have 8,500 centres in 100 countries, the vast majority of these are privately owned residential homes and apartments, many taking donations to pay for personal mortgages. The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is not an educational institution but an unaccredited new religious movement.


Brahma Kumari beliefs include;

» belief in the imminent destruction of this world by an unavoidable Nuclear Holocaust     (now overdue by 30 to 50 years)

» belief in themselves as the only true messengers of God.

» belief that God only speaks to them and them alone in person at their Indian headquarters via a mediumistic channeller.

» hypnagogic, trance-like practises and repetitive auto-suggestion.

» fixation on attracting VIPs to enhance their credibility and act as “microphones” for their message.

» exaggerated distinction between “pure” (their teachings and activities) and “impure” (the rest of the World’s opinions and leaders)

» exaggerated sense of self-importance (they being topknot “Brahmins”), the rest of the World (Untouchables or “Shudras”)

» belief in an unrealistic view of science, e.g. all of time existing within one endlessly repeating 5,000 year timeframe.

» a slow and gradual re-writing of their core beliefs as they fail.

» unquestionable and unaccountable non-democratic leadership.

» amassing of considerable wealth from followers under such pressures.

» complete separation from non-BKs by complete control of diet, demanding lifestyle, celibacy.

» graphic exaggeration of the plight of those that leave the group ; “grinding of teeth like the sound of mustard seeds … crying tears of blood at Destruction”, sexual activity being like “throwing one’s self from a 5th storey high building”, having to face a severe God at Judgement Day.

» secrecy, revision and disguise of the nature and process of teachings.

» intense and long lasting social and psychological problems within individuals leaving the organisation.

The Brahma Kumaris encourage followers;

» not to eat food cooked by impure non-followers such as physical relatives.

» to practice detachment from parents and children.

» to separate from non-Brahma Kumari partners and family so as not to make any more “karmic accounts” with them that would be obstacles to their path.

Under these pressures, individuals are willing to put aside reason and surrender themselves mind, body and wealth, to the will of senior members of the BKWSU. Most of these senior members are professionally untrained in any manner whatsoever. Despite dabbling with perhaps the deepest levels of the human mind, many of these senior members have only ever had a basic education, e.g. 3 years schooling, and no professional experience. One senior BK recently estimated that in India there were as many as 20,000 so-called teachers that have had no training whatsoever. The curriculum and teaching methods have been likened to that of a primary school or kindergarten where followers are infantilized as children.

In this situation, individuals are open to manipulation, the influence of the group or other psyches. Major life decisions are taken on their behalf under the guise of “God’s instructions”. They take on many new, extreme and unproven beliefs unquestioningly in a wish to be accepted. At the point of the failure in these beliefs, or the failure in trust of those self-elected senior practitioners, ex-members are almost without any social support mechanism whatsoever.

Ex-Brahma Kumaris (female) and ex-Brahma Kumars (male) are often unable or unwilling to accept the help of family, or even the help of professionals, who have not gone through the same experience. The strength of mind, developed will or depth of ill explained experience make ex-BK Raja Yogis very independent, detached and resilient.

The organization’s mental training roots distrust of non-B.K.s at a deep, even sub-conscious level. It is suggested that perhaps only others that have gone through similar experiences can help to explain these, share their pain and make suggestions on how to survive.

353 thoughts on “What Brahma Kumaris don’t want you to know.

    1. Y. S. Warkare

      The whole theory of Brahma Kumaris is scientifically false about 5000 years cycle, what about evolution? Evolution on earth took millions of years. Saying it’s only 5000 years cycle is the dumbest thing.

      1. Saahil

        With all due respect brother , evolution is just a theory. Many believe that is contradicts the second law of thermodynamics plus why arent human beings transforming into something much superior or why can’t we see any signs of neanderthals i.e
        Apes evolving into humans. Not trying to prove anything but it’s definitely a possibility

      2. Jayadeep Chellath

        Evolutionary based on the decay of materials at this movement, or physics depends on the speed of expansion of the universe in the last 30 years. Here in the teaching, they have a different theory of decay of matter and it is in the lowest pace and at this time it is in the highest pace.So both theory can be put to test. But bk teaching is limited to 100 years and if the teaching is false the time will tell the truth. No body is forcing the truth upon any body. For evolution or modern physics make theory about 14 billion year ago and 300 million years ago but they are totally depends on educated guess not evidence based. So i am not rediculting modern evolutionary theory which came befor the advance of biology . Because at that time even a cell was not defined by the biologist at that time. But now we have moilicular and micro molicular biology yet we could not come up with new theory. That means the old theory was based on blind faith of darwin. And modern theory is still under developement

      3. Sriram

        Its all about getting to Bible creation. Sometimes lie is truth. Bible means Bblie. Kalinga serpant can only be defeated by lie. One day all sins will be eradicated.

    2. krishna

      Iscon guys like IIT learned swamiji mr muketenaji is accepting 5000 years back krishna came now what your telling cult group idiot group so others are idiots and onions google pichai accepting now he also iitian

      1. Sriram

        Does krishna told you how to overcome kalinga serpant that is making many devil behind scene. If lord krishna has only one wife like lord Rama will it hurt you.

  1. ebenezer josiah

    All I would want to say is that all that you have said is neither here not there. It is an opinion you have expressed which is within your Godly rights.
    I am a Godly student of BKWSU for over a decade and in addition to that I am a media practitioner for well over 30 years.
    Please you people should learn to credit us with some intelligence at least.
    We are no fools as you want the world to believe.
    Just leave us alone.

    1. rpmbuster

      All Non Followers Beware Stay Away from bk’s …bk are maniacs and you ebenezer just behaved in a same manner that cults and fake people behave you just said “just leave us alone” so who dont like bk. have no right to speak there mind and criticise bk.. Like or leave us alone!! This is typical cult behavior… You are the most dangerous cult the worst people i have ever seen… I wish bramha kumris had not come in my life and especially the people who belong to them… I am a victim of these people
      ..You and your dirty people wasted precious 3 years of my life today I regret meeting those people who are your followers..I was badly hurt emotionally.. Mentally… Thank god I realised very soon…but I should have left the company of those people instantly.. Now I have no contact with those people and I am at peace at last ……. you are manipulating people… There thoughts and living styles… Fake promises… Come public with your dangerous secrative teachings and you will be sued in court..I would have but I don’t have money. You say you are scientific so tell me you say dianasaurs existed a few thousand years ago like 2500-3000 ….what about science now…. Scientists and archeologists. Geologists found the remains all of them to be millions of years old.. This provesvwhole of your theory and teachings to be fake and false…none of your leader will be able to Clarify this one question .. Your local leader at my town snubbed me and was speechless on this question…. Seriously don’t msg me I don’t talk to this cults followers see ya…cheers

      1. somi

        about dianasaurs….nothing is older than 5000 yrs.
        the method geologist use to find the age of any thing is purely based on assumption.so only at this untrust worthy instrument(geologist use) u cant deny ur father of ur soul God shiva. see brain mapping or lie detector is also a technique to use against tempted criminals but its not accepted by court as full final bcoz these r assumption based.u hv two father one from which u get body nd the other the father of ur soul shiv baba.recoznize ur eternal father. he is very loving.we r nt saying u do march past with bks bt broden ur vision nd think why shiva is being is worshipped only in india from age long.why dont u hit on these question apart from dinasourous.bye bye sweet child of god shiva.

      2. Manu

        Excuse me ! I am 17 years old.My family was in a problematic situation,undergoing great tension.We started going to the nearby bk centre.tdy we are extremely happy.They taught us how to deal with the problem in a cool manner …Nd yeah they are damn loving Nd caring .They didn’t enforce anything upon us .Every month me and my family go to movies,resteraunts.And no bk prohibits us from doing so.I am living a life of a normal teenager with crushes ,friends,teenage issues Nd so on.But I have a bit of values in myself .And a sense of belief in God .I have learnt the art of mediation coz of brahmakumaris .I am more focused today coz of brahmakumaris ,I believe in good coz of them.I m a proud Indian who can confidently say that bk organisation is from my INDIA .Ppl pls see the good in what they preach.They have never said their founder is god! They just said he is a medium for propagation .Ppl say they are giving a wrong interpretation of the Gita .Oh so u mean u guys know the correct interpretation ?! Kudos .well prove them rong atleast by giving your correct interpretation of the Gita .Their approach to life is really good .Just don’t hate the organisation for the sake of hating .See what you can implement in yr life from their teachings.Lol ppl are not fools just to go Nd believe .There are many great people who follow this institution .BEST EXAMPLE DR APJ ABDUL KALAM ……I quote his words to end my comment
        “Today the vision of the Vedas ‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam’ has become a reality not because of various philosophical paths of teachings, but because of teachings of the Brahma Kumaris, which revolve around mutual brotherly love. Unless we have love for each other, how can you establish one united world? Keep always smiling. There is no ceiling limit for love. Draw and manifest the powers within and bring about the change in the human system for the better world. This Institution has helped us to cross over this world of unhappiness. I would rather say that God helps us through this institution.”
        OM SHANTHI 🙂

      3. sujan

        you fucking BKs destroyed my family peace and unity i have every right to talk about your fraudness and aware peoples…

      4. Niraj

        Om shanti and these bramhakumari n all are bullshit…my grandmother is in omshanti..and she acts like an evil person…she create problem for my mom to cook seperate food without onion and garlic..she enjoyed her life till 60yrs eating everything including nonveg..and now after going to om shanti she thinks that, she is a pure soul….om shanti u are creating problems in peoples life.

      5. Jessica

        Its sad and true. 2 years of my life believing this religion was right, until my “teacher” instructed me to abort mh unborn child of 4 months! I was shocked and appauled that he could demand this of me. When i challenged his request he kicked me out of the organization and looked at me in disgust for being pregnant. I am so glad I realized this was a cult before it was too late. Those who are apart of this BK movement (cult) please be careful, protect yourself and your precious mind. Do not diminish yourself for being in a human experience. Instead enjoy it. Enjoy love whilst being detached from people. Read further into those murlis you practice at 4 am.

      6. krishna kishore

        I dont know about dinosoraus or other science but i found peace of mind ,living values with brahmakumaris total 100% peace of mind since 26 years we are seeing where the society is going especially indian culture

      7. Jayadeep Chellath

        There was no obligation to stay in brahma kumari . You stayed and you walked away. I hope they are not behind you like islam and threatening to kill you. As long as they leave you alone your chapter is closed.

    2. Ayan Ganguly

      Absolutely correct i agree i hv also felt the helpfulness of GOD after joining bk centre in kolkata then i visited mt.abu also. It is really a great deal they hv done in revealing the true identity of God.
      Om shanti

      1. krishna

        hi Niraj that is called generation reattack u need to accept turn the table around principle after 60 years u also act like her when u write comments it is comedy show going on

      2. Jayadeep Chellath

        Have you read murali, In murali says you become nar se narayan, In that case how about brahma baba he is no longer nar. ? Brahmakumaris do not like such questions throwing at them

    3. Rohan

      We will never bother you you fulls until and unless u also washed my parants brain.u Bks just isolate our parants from us. And why every time BKs needdonation.

    4. murali

      u are already alone . ya i also go with the writter that there is no evedence for what the bks are telling .what they are telling are unimaginable

    5. anjana

      ys we are not fools . m a bank spcialist officer and we all are educated and menataly normal not abnormal people so don’t post without knowing anything about bkwsu ..
      Manu Samhita (I. 68-71, also note The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar, p. 11), places this cycle at 24,000 (100 x 240) years. Other Vedic astrologers have placed it at 25,920 years.
      Ancient astrology places humanity under the legendary four ages: the Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron ages. We find this idea among the Greeks as well as the Hindus, In Sanskrit these are called the yugas or world ages of Satya (which means truth, also called the fourth age), Treta (the third), Dwapara (the second) and Kali (the first). Manu fixed their duration at, respectively, 4000, 3000, 2000 and 1000 years, it mmeans according to manu
      world cycle is 10000 years ..
      toh kya bkswu k sath yeah sare vedic science jhuthhe h or false h … arey thoda Dimag lagao akhir kaise yeah Sab calculate hota h unke calculation k tarike kuch alag honge . acording to bks world cycle 5000 years . 1 human year = 300 mahayug it means 5000 years = 5000×300 =1500000 years .
      so bina kuch jane bks k bare me commnts mat do .. or hain jo log nonveg ,lust yeah sab me hi Din raat rehte honge unhe right things kabhi right nhn lagega .. or mene sare commnts dekha h ynhn jo ki v bad commnts dia h unke commnts se patachlta h ki koi nnvegterian h toh koi lust me khonewala .. jin Jin k wife bks join kie h unhe bks galat lagta h q ki woh sare husbands kam nhn chhodskte .. and sat yug or tera yug me jab uparse ek soul ati thhi tab nature (jal,agni,bayu,akash,prthvi) automtcly soul ko ek body de deti thhi coz tabhi both nature and soul 100%pure thhe and dono k pass devine power thha tabhi yeah sab kam bikar nhn thha . jab se soul k anndar kam, krodh ,lobh,moh sare bikar agye tab soul or nature apni divine power khonelagi .. agar aaj k population jo h 700 billion log sare badaljate yeah sare bikar se door rehte toh phir se nature or soul ko woh Devine power mil skta h pr koi right things ko samjhte hi nhn or yeah v sach h
      k only 33 crore soul hi badlenge .. or hain bks kabhi apne family ko chhodker centre ane k baat nhn krte jinke family me support nhn milti woh log hi center chale jate h q ki woh badlna chahte h .. or yeah v sach h bahut sare bks center h jo k iligaly bina pormission k chalte h jnhn galat kam Kia jata h agar apke asspass koi aise center ho toh plz police me copmplain dena.. thnk you

      1. Aradhna

        Congratulations yaar as your soul is one of those most appropriately estimated 33 crore soul, to enter the sat yug, seriously you are talking about vedas and all toh usme yeh kahan likha hai that beside this yug and sat yug there exist no other yugs, I think it’s you only who need read and have a look at vedas and try to find and match those facts which you people are strictly believing on. Lastly I am not a non vegetarian person and not even lusty too.

      2. bhupen

        It is based on an ancient text known as ‘Surya Siddhanta’
        (Get ready for some Serious Maths)
        Hindu Time calculation is based on Lunar Calender, which came into effect after the Kshya Shraap given to Chandrama by Daksha.
        1 Lunar Month = 15 Bright days (Shukla Paksh) + 15 Dark days (Krishna Paksh) = 30 Days
        12 Months = 360 Days = 1 Human Year
        1 human year = 1 Divine day (1 day of Devas)
        30 divine days = 1 Divine Month = 30 human years
        12 Divine months = 1 Divine Year = 360 Divine days = 360 Human Years
        Devas Lifespan = 100 Divine years = 36,000 human years
        The calculation of yugas follows the series of 4 : 3 : 2 : 1
        so Satya Yug (4) : Treta Yug (3) : Dwapar Yug (2) : Kali Yug (1)
        Kaliyug starts with a Dawn (Purva Sandhya = 1 Divine Lifespan) + 10 Divine Lifespans and ends with a Twilight (Uttar Sandhya = 1 Divine Lifespan)
        so, Kaliyug = 100 + 1000 + 100 = 1200 Divine years
        = 4,32,000 human years = 1 Charana
        Going by the above series,
        Dwapar Yug = 2 X Kaliyug = 200 + 2000 + 200 = 2400 Divine Years
        = 8,64,000 human years = 2 Charanas
        Treta Yug = 3 X Kaliyug = 300 + 3000 + 300 = 3600 Divine Years
        = 12,96,000 human years = 3 Charanas
        Satya Yug = 4 X Kaliyug = 400 + 4000 + 400 = 4800 Divine Years
        = 17,28,000 human years = 4 Charanas
        1 Mahayug = Satya Yug + Treta Yug + Dwapar Yug + Kaliyug
        = 4800 + 3600 + 2400 + 1200 = 12000 Divine Years
        = 43,20,000 human years = 10 Charanas
        71 Mahayugas = 1 Manvantara (Each Manvantara is ruled by a Manu)
        Each manvantara is followed by a Twilight (called Sandhi Kaal) of 4 Charanas
         Kalpa consists of 14 Manvantaras (each with its own Manu) followed by a Sandhi Kaal and each kalpa starts with a Dawn (called Adi Sandhi) also equal to 4 Charanas
        so, 1 Kalpa = 1 Adi Sandhi + 14 Manvantaras + 14 Sandhi Kaal
        = 4 Charanas + (14 X 71 Mahayugas) + (14 X 4 Charanas)
        = 994 Mahayugas + 60 Charanas
        = 994 Mahayugas + 6 Mahayugas
        = 1000 Mahayugas = 4,32,00,00,000 human years
         Kalpa = 1 Brahma Day = 8,64,00,00,000 human years
        30 Brahma Days = 1 Brahma Month
        12 Brahma Months = 360 Brahma Days = 1 Brahma Year
        = 31,10,40,00,00,000 human years (3.1104 trillion human years) Confused ?
        Brahma Lifespan = 100 Brahma Years
        1000 Brahma Lifespans = 24 Minutes in 1 Vishnu Day
        360 Vishnu Days = 1 Vishnu Year
        Vishnu Lifespan = 100 Vishnu Years
        1000 Vishnu Lifespans = 24 Seconds of 1 Shiva Day
        360 Shiva Days = 1 Shiva Year
        Shiva has no lifespan, i.e. he is beyond life and death, he is eternal Smile
        Current Date:
        As of today, 50 years of Brahma have elapsed and we are in the First Day of the 51st year. Within this Day, 6 Manvantaras have elapsed and we are in the 7th Manvantara (ruled by Vaivasvatha Manu).
        Within this Manavantara, 27 Mahayugas, and the Satya, Treta and Dwapar Yugas of the 28th Mahayuga have elapsed. We are in the Kaliyuga of the 28th Mahayuga.
        The time elapsed since the current Brahma:
        1 Brahma Year = 3.1104 Trillion Human Years
        50 Brahma Years = 3.1104 * 50 = 155.52 Trillion Human Years
        In the First Kalpa of 1st day of 51st Brahma Year:
        1 Adi sandhi + 6 Manvantaras + 6 Sandhi Kaal
        = 17,28,000 + (6 X 71 X 43,20,000) + 6 x 17,28,000 = 1.852416 Billion Human Years
        In the 7th Manvantara:
        27 Mahayugas = 27 x 43,20,000 = 116.64 Million Human Years
        In 28th Mahayug:
        Satya Yug + Treta Yug + Dwapar Yug = 17,28,000 + 12,96,000 + 8,64,000 = 3.888 Million Human Years
        The current Kaliyug began at Midnight of 17 Feb – 18 Feb, 3102 BC Time : 2Hr.37Min.30 Sec.
        So, In current Kaliyug:
        3102 + 2017 = 5119 human years
        So the total time elapsed since current Brahma is
        155.52 Trillion + 1.852416 Billion + 116.64 Million + 3.888 Million + 5114
        = 15,55,21,97,29,49,114 Years have passed since the dawn of time

      3. Jayadeep Chellath

        Bk is not vedic science, they have their own teaching, You are the one who make the decision and i hope they did not force this to you by some means example tied you down and screamed at t you. Otherwise i do not see it is a criminal act

    6. Tanita

      Leave you alone? You should leave e people alone by NOT stealing their souls and remote viewing them inside their homes and taking over their lives and abusing and harassing them. BKs are doing poltergeist activity with so many, you have no idea what people are going through.

    7. vivek tamang

      thats what BK attitude is. self purity. we must accept everyonr irrespective of caste and creed, God may be a light immortal unphysical life for you, but repect othes idol form of god too. if god exists he/she cant b so selfish that only BK would counter them

      1. Jayadeep Chellath

        Purity is their foundation, You have a choice , so it is none of your business to talk about their purity . If you have issue with purity walk away. And if they threaten you or holding your cash then take the matter to the police and court . The fundamentals of the teaching of bk is that they are not suppose to beg for funding from people who surrender or from outsider. But bks lives in lexuary of the money from outside funding and inside funding. They have too much wealth

    8. Nishant Sharma

      Sir you were already left alone. Why did you bother to comment on something we rationals like to discuss? Did anyone invite you? The opinions expressed by the author are mostly correct. Godly?? Do you have some sort of patent on God? Anyone who follows such absurd doctrine written in that seven day course book cannot be intelligent. Anyways you have every right to continue following that fraud anti-truth doctrine of Brahma Kumaris.

      1. Anu

        Fully agree.Spoiled my family peace.My mom is already into fully follower of brahma baba.I seriously pray and hope that soon their fraud and cheat should comee as a breaking news as they take away the mental peace in the family.I have witnessed it.

      2. Jayadeep Chellath

        It is an individual right and you can accept or discard the truth. If you wants to discard then good for you. For accusations be specific do not just say fuck freek ect . be specific on your issue then public issues.

  2. For Ebenezer Josiah

    Are you the same Mr Ebenezer Josiah, editor of the National Democrat, who recently was forced to retract “malicious and false publications made about and against President John Agyekum Kufuor” and apologise to Ghanaians for his fabrications?


    Being a BK, and “media practitioner”, only means that you are skilled in manipulating the media … something the Brahma Kumaris have been doing since they began, spinning people’s minds with half-truth and outright lies.

    The BK leadership has been lying to the media, to VIPs, to government, to the United Nations, to its own followers and encouraging their followers to lie even to their own families.

    What is a fool? Someone who believes that the world is only 5,000 years old and all time repeats in identical 5,000 year cycles. that dinosaurs existed 2,500 years ago … someone who believes in a God who predicted the End of the World in WWII, 1950, 1976, mid-1980s … someone who believes that leaders who have falsified their own history, who re-write the words of their own God, that hide the truth from their own followers are the top 8 souls in the world?

    If you are a true journalist, why not prove it and publish the whole truth about the Brahma Kumaris? The child abuse cover ups, the visa fraud, the financial corruption, the suicides.

    Wake up my friend. The stories you have been taught by your leaders and repeat to cleverly are false … fairy stories. We know your tricks (yuktis). We know what they tell you to think. How they tell you not to think, not to question, how they control BKs by making them afraid of being banished, how they try to suppress the truth and the true story of Om Mandli.

    1. xman

      I think you must focus more on replying to the points given rather than criticizing people.. When u criticize people it showcases your lack of knowledge and it confirms your slaveist attitude

      1. murali

        this is not the slaviest attitude . the peoples u are like slaves and treating others like slave .u should change it

      2. Jayadeep Chellath

        Brahma kumari suppose to be the ravans community after the demise of brahma baba supreme soul shiva left the organisation

    2. bhavesh surya

      I am with u. I want your help to expose these frauds. I m from India, my contact is +91-9075438512. from Mumbai. They are destroying our family. Please contact me. Also i would like to prepare a group of people to fight them.

      1. paromita

        Please destroy the brahmakumari society, it is a false society it also distrubbed my life

      2. Prateek

        Please guys… Is there anyone who can try to bring a change…. Is there anyone who just can be brave by not just writing in comments do something srsly….I know u must be thinking that they are rich nd powerful nd u don’t have tym to waste for such things….nd koi kuch niii kr paaya to hum akele kyaa kr lenge…..soo u must think that starting hmesha zero se hoti h….we all were nothing when we came to this earth….m not giving a speech…m also a 18 year old boy…..bt m strictly against these type of fake things….nd we did nothing enough in our lives….atleast not me….m not good at studying….bt m against fake things….liars…
        They’ll grow….nd people r fools….they’ll get hypnotised….I just want to bring a change….nd I know indians hv power….BT I don’t know where m gonna find these type of people…. Pls be with me if u’re one of them

      3. surender

        hlo brother i m surender frm himachal Pradesh. i m doing research on missbelief that is following by many innocent people.i hv done a little research on vedas puranas or gita and upnishda.with this little knowledge i m guiding the people to a rgt path i just see BKS drama so i join them and till in the period 3days i hv converted 2people to tgr own religion i m with u if u need my help my email is surendersharma665@yahoo.com or my whtaap no is is 90415 76150 u cn discuss with me on this for helping people

      4. Manoj

        There is very good book available on the net ” God wants you Dead ” very informative on how cults and religions have started. You cant fight brainwashing with anger and frustration , it must be done with reasoning and use the same tools to cleanse the mind of hurtful ideas. Also a very interesting video of David Icke at Wembley must watch for everyone.

      5. Tanita

        They will destroy you in ways you can’t even think, don’t fight them, let them rot in the trap they have created for themselves from which no way out. Me left them 20 years back but they are still abusing and harassing me, every day I hear threats and bad language in my head, threats to kill me. They watch me 24/7 and I cannot do a thing without their approval. Worse been done.

      6. Aniket Kolte

        Wait a minute do you know entjre truth, by the way any spiritual thing has no proof, why don’t you just go and try it once with your true heart and then I garuntee you, you will thank me for my advice.
        om shanti

  3. jasmine

    following bks is confining oneself within the four walls …. so many restrictions. i wonder why they restrict onion n garlic.. they have so many medical benefits yet are not allowed by bks… those who follow bks would land up in “home conflict” . next thing is why do people waste their wealth donating to bks? instead why don’t they feed the hungry n dying people? true salvation is serving the poor and needy rather than helping increase the bank balance of bks.. have you heard bks helping the needy? have they provided shelter n food ? no never , instead they would always be ready with wide open arms to collect fund for their luxury . shame on them..

    1. Catholic girl

      To them onion and garlic are aphrodisiacs and apparently make those who eat them horny, and as sex is not pure to a BK then being horny is impure. It’s the biggest load of crap I’ve ever heard. Good luck to those who follow it. I hope you settle your Karmic accounts one day.

    2. sujan

      Bks say if someone donate them they get 100 times in returns in heaven.. haha totally fake! they don’t want their followers to donate to poor and hungry

    3. Jayadeep Chellath

      Onion or garlic it their choice and not forcing on you. Regarding charity there are multi million charity on earth and there are few religious spiritual organisations on earth. And it is the choice of the organisation and it is none of your buisiness. You are free to leave and let others know your choice other than that you have no right tell them what to eat and what not eat

  4. VK


    1. hasmukh ahuja

      I dont know why people believe bramhakumari…we should not believe in all these things…there is godin world please believe in god nor any human being god has made these things some people are trying to change it..like everyone work for money these people also do the same.they are so mNyterms and conditions for following bramhakumari….so much wrng is happening in dis world we need to change it…..agar yeah log sach he then there should not be any terms and conditions…..

    2. shivam

      when people dont know the energy concept ….. and dont have power to face..like in any other situation you keep on falling same her and now habit of blame game arises………….. God bless

    3. Jayadeep Chellath

      This alligation are true for many cases, but not all cases it is true. you have the right point. But again people who stay have either bondage or other issues

  5. julie

    BRAHMAKUMARIS HAD EVEN RUINED MY LIFE AND MY SISTER IN LAW’S LIFE LIKE HELL, BECAUES MY MOTHER IN LAW BELIEVES IN BK and we do not. Our’s is a joint family. I, my husband, children cannot cook as per our wish. Being a mother I wish to cook for my kids as per their requirement but this mother in law does not allow. We eight people are adjusting for 1 person. The BKs, claim that they are sacrificing their life for the people., but this is the fact. Here what sacrifice they are doing I dont know. By giving up onions and garlic, are they doing something great, which is already necessary for our body.

    1. AT

      Optomen TV is currently producing a new documentary series about sects and new religious movements within the UK and would like to speak to anyone with experience of such groups. If you or anyone you know was, or perhaps still are, involved with one of these groups we’re keen to hear from you. You can contact us in the strictest of confidence at sects@optomen.com and any personal details you give will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and only for the purpose of producing this programme.

      1. lilly taylor

        I noticed on the web about a few views on the Brahma Kumaris.
        Also that you are producing a documentary on cults.

        I’ve been meditating with the BK’s for about 1 year and half.
        I don’t feel they are a cult at all.

        The BK’s see that we are all souls.
        And that we are on a journey in each lifetime.

        I have met many people who’ve been with the BK’s for 10, 20 years and so on.
        (Not all are vegan, let alone vegetarian)

        I’m not a vegetarian – I eat fish and chicken and garlic and onion!
        I also love eggs and cheese!

        Of the BK’s in my group – those who attend have children and husbands and wives,etc…who are not meditating with the BK’s. Although some do.

        Maybe we’re just a lot more normal here in Australia.

        I think the people who have been writing the negative comments have
        totally got it wrong.

        Silly things listed such as, destruction of the world? No that’s Not what they are saying.
        They do talk about the different ages from dark to light.
        And they emphasise (well, here in Australia) you need to take it all into context. That it was originally written in India in 1930’s.

        …Only true messengers of God….
        I’ve not ever heard that one.?
        Ask any religion – where individuals are closed minded, and they will tell you their way is the only way.
        Meditating with the Brahma Kumaris, is not chanting, repeating or learning by rote, but it’s reminding oneself of his/her highest potential and asking the person to be aware of their thoughts. i.e. saying ‘stop”, to a negative thought of someone or thing. I would say it is a bit of an intellectual group.

        This is quite a stark contrast to dogma and blind faith for the sake of it, for many religions.
        Speak to a Seven Day Adventist or a fiercely right wing Catholic, for example.
        Also, of course it entirely depends on the individual and their intellect and their personality.
        The BK’s is about simply speaking with God and listening to answers and many other things.
        By the way, they don’t put down any religion – in fact they accept them all. Its your choice to choose what is right for you.

        Meditating with the BK’s sets your awareness on track so that you can deal with your life in a better, less stressful and positive way.
        If anything there is a lot of similarity to Buddhism which is now much more accepted as there are so many celebrities associated with it. Well, that’s my take on it.
        I have meditated Vapassna meditation for about 10 years (Budhism…) – Whilst it was good – I still found I was missing something.
        I feel meditating with the Brahma Kumaris is good for me and has answered a lot of questions – many things I was looking for.
        I take from it what I want.
        Anyway, just sharing. (I also worked at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in media and marketing for 7 years and prior to that I was a Producer)

      2. gogi

        Please anyone from BK advise, loudly and clearly:

        Are honest and faithful sexual relations between husband and wife allowed to BK followers?

        No ambiguous answer please.

      3. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

        As per BK’s only relationship is Brother and Sister. Rest everyone is impure. They very loudly say that only they are pure and every other religion is impure and defective. No doubt they welcome people from every religion, but once they have hypnotized an individual they show their true colors. Their basic agenda is to collect money. They convince the older followers to donate their property to them and after the death of the person they claim it. If the legal heirs object, they get into a legal battle with them. There are thousands of such legal cases going on. Also their heads have all the luxuries available for them. Travel in BMW’s and wear their logo made from expensive Ruby’s in studded in expensive metals. WHY ?
        To all the supporters of BK’s answer one simple question.: How does a lady become a Dadi (Grandmother) ? I will then elaborate on this, once I get some response to my question.

    2. Jay

      If you don’t like your wife the way she is then go find another wife the way you want. If you cannot tolerate an individuals right then you should not be a husband. Besides there is nothing wrong being a vegetarian and cook your own food

      1. Rohan

        From when garlic and onion became non veg?? Is a garlic and onion animal product ??please answer Bks. If yes which animal ??

    3. Sony

      I completely agree with you. Never fall prey to such communes at all. They destroy your individuality with their misplaced philosophy. Onion & Garlic is very much essential for our immunity. One of my relatives caught TB immediately after she stopped eating both. Please take herbal immunity boosters if you cannot eat out once a week food filled with onion and garlic.

    4. gaurav

      julie, i know onion and garlic is good for the body..but u cannot say that it is good for ur mind.. bcause onion n garlic affect ur mind badly…they actually affect on subtle level..mental n emotional level..they increase ur anger n lust..n u might know better what anger,lust n other vices can do with society..u see ,aeroplane pilots are also not allowed to eat onion n garlic some hours before their flight bcause they affect ur decision power..and for the same reason it is banned in bk and as per i know those people are striving to be perfect and to create vice free society,that’s it..god bless u…

      1. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

        Ha Ha ! I cannot use unpleasant words on such media, but I am astonished at what you peole write. PILOTS ARE NEVER GIVEN INSTRUCTION TO NOT TO EAT ONION & GARLIC BEFORE FLIGHT. Who do you want to FOOL. These Bhramakumaries and making a FOOL of every one and you are saying things with no ground. My daughter and son-in-law are pilots and atleast 6 more close family members and friend are pilots also. Please refrain from supporting this stupid cult BK. Wake up and get away from them before you ruin your life and family.

      2. harrybirch2015

        you really have been brainwashed if that is what you truly believe. My Mother has been a practising BK and ran a centre since the early 90’s. She is the most vindictive and selfish person in her words and actions with a little of judgementalism thrown in. So if thats what not eating onions, garlic and any other of the onion family well you are so diluded.
        The health benefits are widely documented and proven with Science. You are part of another cult. The Brain washing is conducted whilst in adeep state of relaxation during meditation.
        The writings of their beliefs seem to keep being rewritten to suit.

      3. harrybirch2015

        In respect of your reference to lust – I have read the documented news in India regarding the rape by one of your leaders within headquarters there and other leaders covering it up which caused serious distress to the abused sister. There was also a pregnancy that came out of this sexual abuse. That begs a question of how pure a life you really live and the corruption by the leaders that took the action to try and cover it up.

      4. Fly Guy

        wow. I can’t believe the bullS*%$ that I am reading here. Aeroplane pilots are not allowed to eat onion and garlic some hours before their flight??? LOL On which planet?? Get your facts straight Gaurav. Pilots cannot consume alcoholic beverages 8 hours before a flight and that’s about it. Stop telling lies. How do I know this? Because I am an airline pilot. Onion and Garlic do not create bad vices. Please stop the nonsense.

      5. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

        SO TRUE. I also had commented in the same manner as my daughter and son-in-law are both pilots and no such restrictions are there and for JULIE who has given such detail about the so called adverse effect of Onion & Garlic on mind when at the same time she agrees that these are good for ones body. I will sum up the whole by saying that only a HEALTHY BODY can house a HEALTHY MIND so if the body is healthy then MIND will be healthy and so there should be no restriction on eating of Onion or Garlic. Bhrama Kumaris are nothing but FRAUDS and they are making a fool of innocent people and breaking families…. Lets come together and get his CULT Banned.


        man … go get some life … bill gates , warren buffets , even Einstein used to eat them …

      7. G V Acharya

        After reading few blogs written by many who have suffered under bk cult activities, i felt i too should add how this dangerous cult has destroyed my beautiful and grand family.
        I will put forth how cleverly these bk people manipulate peoples mind just to grab their money, property etc, by feeding them with slow poison, hypnotism, mind control etc.

        I have had a very happy and contented family life for more than 30 years of our married life.Once my wife took voluntary retirement from her job and when somebody suggested her to go to the nearest bk centre to achieve peace of mind and nothing else, everything changed forever.

        She slowly started losing interest in family life, attachment to her husband, and to her children. all she did was fake and dry

        My mother left me to live separately since my bk wife has insisted that my mother has to take bath every time she visit the toilet! She has been brain-washed to think that she is the only pure soul in my house and that we are all impure shudras. She does not eat anything my daughter or my daughter-in-law prepares in our house!

        She does not attend any of the family functions nor she observe any of our hindu festivals at home.Earlier our family relatives loved to come to our house and stay with us because we had a very jovial and loving home atmosphere. Now no relatives visit our house, since now our house looks like a haunted house with no one talking with their heart. my house has become like a smashan (graveyard)

        She will not tolerate any classical instrumental music in our house, but whole day we are all forced to listen to that damned barking speech by that janki.

        I grow lot of banana in my kitchen garden but she will not touch them but buy banana for herself from the shop!

        She has been thoroughly hypnotized by these bk cult members such that she is left with no thinking power of her own.As if her conscious mind has been dulled and in a coma-like state.

        To cut a long story short, at the end these bk people want to grab our hard-earned property and deny us our dwelling house.

        Now I suggest the following: All the people in in india and in the world, who have suffered like me and feel you are helpless, lets us join hands, collect all substantial proofs against this dangerous cult and file joint class action law suit . We will all pool in money and hire a lawyer for this purpose.

        Come on lets all save ourselves from this nonsense and save our society..

      8. Sachin

        After reading your blog I founded I am also having same problem in my family because my wife joined bk last 5 years. Me and my children’s are suffered badly due to this. Now any can understand we all are have facing similar type problem in our family only due to this bk organization. So we all should come forward n take action against this ethical organization. My contact no 9323151612.. Sachin

      9. Eds

        My mother in law is a strict BK follower and never eats garlic and onion. She cooks for herself. She always talks about detachments, peace etc.. she’s a teacher of BK that screams angrily “nobody cares!” when she doesn’t get the FIRST invite everytime we plan to go out. She doesn’t want us to have a baby because its nearly end of the world. She wants me and her son to be ‘brothers and sisters’ and plans to turn our home into a BK center. I hate her living with us but she’s already a widow and old. Our marriage is a wreck and mostly the reason of our arguments.

        It is pointless to say about the onion and garlic.
        She quits eating garlic and onion for more than 20years.

      10. Rohan

        Please garav stop brain washing here too. When u eat onion u feel
        Sleepy thats why poilet not allow to eat.
        Bk ruiens my family life. We can not eat our food properly because Bk fulled my parent in law. Not only that we have to wash our hands even we use spoon to re serve them. If their plate by mistake we put onion or garlic we have to buy new plate. I bought them paper plate use and through.
        Another thing every time they visit BK donation is compulsary.
        We can not cook any meat garlic oninn if we want to eat we have to go to restirant. After work we are tired but we can not go out for lunch or dinner. Because they dont eat anything outside and we can not leave behiend.
        Where the money goes they donate. There are more than 10,00000 people who follow BK and everytime
        They visit BK have to donate. Every if one person donate $£rupee what ever minimum 10 just calculate how much money will be there in one year u cant imagine.
        I belive in god but not this type of lair and fulleshness and brain wash. Good karma is helping poor , giving needy.
        I have one friend who also fulled by BK, he also live in Australia and he never get ready to help to flood victoms, earthquick victim or any poor who need help. He donate almost half of his earning to Bk.
        I asked all BK followers according to Bk if all people belive Bk and not get married than after certain period of time earth will
        Be humanless. When I asked this question to
        My friend he said to me frist this earth have only 20 years left to destory and they can make babies by meditation. Waht a full. I think this is so planed business.

      11. Gaurav

        For fly guy,
        I agree bro.u r a pilot u know more than me.Not every airline may have banned it but just for info u can Google the following
        Back in the 1980’s, in his research on human brain function, Dr Robert [Bob] C. Beck, DSc. found that garlic has a detrimental effect on the brain. He found that in fact garlic is toxic to humans because its sulphone hydroxyl ions penetrate the blood-brain barrier and are poisonous to brain cells.

        Dr. Beck explained that as far back as the 1950s it was known that garlic reduced reaction time by two to three times when consumed by pilots taking flight tests. This is because the toxic effects of garlic desynchronize brain waves. “The flight surgeon would come around every month and remind all of us: “Don’t you dare touch any garlic 72 hours before you fly one of our airplanes, because it’ll double or triple your reaction time. You’re three times slower than you would be if you’d [not] had a few drops of garlic.”

    5. Deepak

      BK is not reason for you problems. It is because of 1 person of your family who has wrongfully practicing rajyog and preaching.

    6. Michael

      I hate BK too. My wife has been brainwashed by them and also changed so much. No garlic and no onions. No family life. She says love making is filthy and creates illneses like cancer etc..
      I have battled with her to get her out of their claws but i have lost.
      Im in a divorce now.

      1. rpmbuster

        I am so sorry about that… But you really cannot do much about it.. Stay away from bks as of I know once people enter them very few get out and get normal…. They can hurt you way too much you cannot imagine their mind controlling tactics… I will suggest you to move forward enjoy your life fall in love with who cares for you and loves you.. and not.those freaks and their god… Life is beautifull cheeish each moment…. Good luck n…Tc

      2. navin

        Same here brother .i m also divorsed .just because they mind washed my wife.she behave with like brother.coz sex will make her impure.

      3. H S Cheema

        One Mr. Naveen Lota will add you in a group that is trying to help people get outofthis and those effected by this Rgds H S CHeema, Chandigarh 9872000013

    7. Ayan Ganguly

      Start believing in bk because they can only give u the real essence of wat is GOD. But there are many foolish people like u madam who are do not want to go out of the narrow fragment of the world. There are lots to learn about GoD till now ill say u dont even understand wat GOD is so pls act wisely dont go by the fool’s way, ur life will change.

    8. Saahil

      I am so sorry you feel like that for us Bk’s but in bks we follow the same code they teach us to do good think good but just as in an university the teacher teaches a class and with the same teaching students come first and as well as fail that doesn’t mean the teacher is not good just a thought
      With lots of love and blessing Saahil

      1. ajay

        Dear Saahil,

        If in the class a sports teacher starts teaching english, will that be right and beneficial for the students? When BK’s do not lead a family life, and do not know how to lead a family life, should they be teaching how to and what to do with your spouse or reletives?

        BK’s are welcome to choose and follow what they feel like, but their preachings should help in improving day to day life and intellect of their followers rather that their relations getting ruined, because of passing instructions, about what they have no knowledge or experience.

      2. Mahendrakumar Oza

        Hello all the brothers and sisters whose lives are disturbed by this BK monster.In the era of slavery slaves were used to catch new slaves. Like wise in every so called religious deras old disciples bring new innocent but stupid victims who after some time find no place to return.In our country laws are not effective in dealing with such brainwashing activities.Promise of life in heaven ! Lord Shiva speaking through an old woman at a fix day ! All goes unchecked.Even govt. and vigilance machinery is not convinced of this fraud. Let’s hope new generation is smart enough to not fall prey to such rougues. Meanwhile happy Deepawali to all. May God bless all sufferers like me courage to face life with BK infected family member !

        On 01-Nov-2016 12:25 PM, “Brahma Kumaris hidden doctrine.” wrote: > > ajay commented: “Dear Saahil, If in the class a sports teacher starts teaching english, will that be right and beneficial for the students? When BK’s do not lead a family life, and do not know how to lead a family life, should they be teaching how to and what to do w” >

    9. Tanita

      Ruined so many people in UK by getting them sacked from jobs and made them stay indoors and harassing and abusing them by constantly sending bad energy which causes a person to feel pains, no energy or inclination to do anything, not talk to anyone, not think, not even talk to family members, not listen music, just make you sleep all day, not let you sleep at night and harassing while sleeping by buzzing constantly in ear. Since last twenty years every day. That’s my life. Daily torture from BK.

    10. Jayadeep Chellath

      You should respect her choice for food and she should do that to you. Both cannot force or laugh at the individual choice. Common be practical and modern

  6. Mark Heartwell

    Live and learn…10 years of bk brain washing white washing this is a fairy tail above them all I have reasoned and 20 years worth in other fairy tail religions gave me differant ways of perceiving ..being like the child indeed …but when they ..any religious foundation.. is built on untruths and strange absolutes… using common sense is a godly tool we all should use as our ultimate guide before we cause too much damage to self and others( karma eh ) and if one feels attracted to gain more insights be very carefull do not trust fanatics as they are not of stable mind and realy delude like any other religion.. one is attracted to usualy in search of some kind of salvation or rewards or some one else to do your thinking… bottom line …know thy self realization namaste….try to understand why you have these addictions in the 1st place… develope as they say bit by bit little by little love for self and expand that in its truth.may we come together to at least have an open mind and think about it.

    1. Ed

      Simply well said Mark.Oh and by the way I once came across this unattributed quote about the value of open minds{VS gullible minds passing themselves off as open}.It a good thing to have an open mind,but not so open your brain falls out.

    2. G V Acharya

      dear friends. i have been reading with great pain how this bk cult has destroyed thousands of beautiful families in our country.

      I am of the feeling that writing your horror story in this page is not going to serve any purpose unless we all join together and see if something can be done to expose this cult and save our destroyed family life.

      This cult is very rich, powerful,cunning and has connections in high places. However, if we all form a consortium of BK victims and seek legal openion to expose the truth, something tangible can be hopefully achieved.

      So my request to all of you suffering in your family lives because of the nafarious BK preachings is this.

      All of you, please write clearly how this BK cult entered your family, how all it began, how it started looking slightly odd before becoming really dangerous and started destroying your family life and how devasted you all are.

      You all take your own time and draft this letter and mail it to my email address; popsonbullet@gmail.com

      I have very liberal and reliable lawyer friend who has assured to help me out.

      Yours sencerely
      g v acharya
      Bangalore dt.7th Nov. 2016.

    3. Jayadeep Chellath

      You should have practiced it in your mind and intelect first and if it is not making sense you should walk away. But you chose to surrender wihtout evidence, so common it is your fault too. You should join only if they make sense at the first place. Not all brahma kumaris are cults, but they do not follow their own teaching and hide and cut and paste muralis to hide thier mistake about destruction. You should be allowed to question but they did not allow any body. So it is brahma kumaris fault. There is nothing to study in the centre, every thing is out in the public and you can do it at home without any institution. You chose the institution because you are weak at the first place. I still have faith in the teaching for the last 40 years. I have always critisised and walked away from them wihout contributing a minute to them or a penni to them. I am a pbk follower now.

  7. VK

    BRAHMAKUMARIS RUINED MY LIFE LIKE HELL, BECAUES MY WIFE BELIEVES IN BK and I and my kids do not. My children cannot eat as per their wish. We three people are adjusting for 1 person. The BKs, claim that they are sacrificing their life for the people., but this is the fact. Here what sacrifice they are doing I dont know. By giving up onions and garlic, are they doing something great, which is already necessary for our body.
    I believe Serve the poor, the needy and the old ,that’s it. BKS is just a show off. I JUST HATE PEOPLE FROM BKs

    1. navin

      People who are writing againest brahma kumaries are exactly right. ..now they will not dusturb any ones family. Meditation ke nam par inhone system kharab kiya hai .now meri ekj books ane vali hai brahnamakukari with black X sign . Jisme reality hai jo log mere sath hai join me .

      1. kartar singh

        please form a group of people who are badly harrashed by wifes and bloody BKS.

        Mob- 9821193885
        kartar singh

  8. hermes

    i do not belong to any organization..But i dont like criticizing a great organization like BK…All people should take the postives of any organization…do not criticize them… I personally feel every religion in this world has its own draw back as well advantages…one commonality of all religion is God…All religion preaches moral living..so take only the moral values leave any superstitions….This world you will see killers, rapist, robbers, cruel bosses at office,religious fighters, cheaters, money minded people, etc…At BK they are talking about God and peace only..so take only the good..If you dont like you are at liberty to leave it. but dont criticize blindly…same applies to christianity, buddhism,jewish,etc..take only good from all religions…leave things which you dont understand..

    1. Mark heartwell

      Hermes…do you really believe what you have said in defense of these grand religious orders that are based on absolutes and out right lies ….
      do you believe that to be godly that they the bks are getting the only true word of god and is the one and only way that is going to save mankind through their greatness of purity?and truth? I thought the christians and muslims had the franchise on salvation.” Hello ”

      Look Hermes have you done the time?in the bk cult ..better still have you asked questions ither to your self god or the know it alls?….as to the integrity have you even looked at what other brothers and sisters have said about the sacrifices till their own realization?….just what kind of a god do you worship to my friend or foe.

      closing ones eyes ..brain …and feelings to profess these outrageous beliefs is not really helpfull if you really think about religion and its history “hello again ” it has serious ramifications if you feel so pure and right … what has baba bein whispering in your ear as you sit in his lap or swing in the swing of bliss and if he has beautiful messages of truth then give testimoney and let your poor fallen brother and sisters know ok.
      Namaste…you can’t get higher than that my friend….so will the truth set you free. Om shanti as in the words.

      1. kamal prasad

        in this world of falsehood, having people with false, mischevous, negative traits all over, holding beliefs that best suits them, and criticizing the one that has not caused any damage in any form to them, it seems quite difficult for such a highly elevated, esteemed institution to thrive while spreading the message of GOD and His Divine Directions to the almost dead humanity of today and to bring them back to life and to render true service that humanity of today is in desperate need of.

    2. Edward

      Not all criticism is blind.Many critics here seem pretty well informed and have either been involved but are now not or have done their research.Of course not organisation is perfect however when an organisation appears to deliberately set out to deceive and then involve.via a slippery slope I do not have a lot of good feelings for it.Its a strange fact but idealists of all sorts,full of love for others etc can often be pulled in bad directions.We have a sense of distrust for a reason-it is there to protect us.

      1. Jay

        No body said they are wrong, However, if they don’t like it then forget it. No body chops of your head as in islam. Get move on, no body is stalking you and pestering you. It is your weakness that you took the knowledge in literally sense. Who told you to believe in literal accuracy, You should use your brain to think for yourself and apply skills to sort out general knowledge and not precise knowledge. I don’t know any body is asked to believe in Brahmanisms, faith comes as you develop skills. So if you could not culture faith then don’t accuse knowledge or provider.

    3. Ed

      If you actually trouble yourself to read the comments you will see that people are not criticising blindly at all but bring forth actual cases and experience.As for taking the positives of any organisation-does that we mean we should blind ourselreves to the other things.Let take the Nazi Party they built some great roads{a postive} does that mean i should admire them?I think not and by the way just who is it that says that BK is such a great organisation.Er BK as it happens.

    4. Utkarsh

      Dheko kya hota hay
      Aap mano ya na mano bkwsu jhutee nahe hay
      If u are bright u ll always see good and beautiful things
      Forget abt what people say
      I believe that’s all
      2. 5000 years life cycle is not false
      Even scientist themselves gives prediction about bigbang and blackhole
      If matter exist THEN FROM WHERE IT COMES FROM
      From where ELECTRON , PROTON , NEUTRON
      the ans is WE DONT KNOW
      Then who has given u right to say something wrong about bkwsu and there teachings about humanity
      So please before delivering so called useless words
      am not a bk

      1. Ed

        You think it would require a team?Just do some reading and thinking for yourself.This is hardly research into the deeper levels of science,Science however has quite a lot to say about the many plainly silly claims made for BK.

      2. bhavesh surya

        Call me on +91-9075438512. I have a good answer for your confusions. World may destroy one day completly, no issues. What we have to personally do with that. If that is what God has decided, noboby can change it, not even BK.
        They claim they will live even after destruction. Hahahaha. Idiots.

        Date of destruction keeps on changing, as per there convinience. Stupids. And u believe it. Hahahahhahah.
        Call me on my number. Or mail me.

      3. Subhankar

        they robbed my grandfather’s house by implementing power; snatched it from him. if they are Gods angels how can they even think of ruining the life of an 84 year aged old man. pathetic

    5. Rohan

      Hermes i ‘m totally agree with u. I also respect all religion. Take good things. While I’m saying and secounding you, I know either you are one of the Bks or you donot have any family member who have been brain brushed by Bks.
      Man if you have one family mamer who follow bks you will go mad until u r one of them. They treat you like devil, they do not eat anything perpared by other family mamber and happy to donate anything land money to bks. Religion connect people not isolate people from own family.
      And onion and garlic is not animal product.

      1. Jayadeep Chellath

        Yes brahma kumaris lied about the date and kept it secret. But the date was about spiritual degradation of Brahma kumaris and it is clearly mentioned by the Advance party in their teaching. the brahma kumaris took the knowledge from shiva and rearanged it for human institution. . The destruction cannot happen until construction of heaven is established. So why worry about destruction all the time. Worry about becoming a diety if you think you are not cappable and brahma kumaris are not cappable then walk away from them . Dont be in bondage with the institution

  9. jaz

    I have seen one of my best friends slowly been consumed by the BK’s organization hiding under the benefits of Meditation practice. Please be aware that BK’s meditation, is only a way of mind control and brainwash, don’t fall for it. It is sad to say that my best friend has totaly disconnected from me and many of other friends.

    1. Atma

      Brahmakumari’s meditation is nothing but a process called SELF-HYPNOSIS. They are marketing it under their brand name RAJ YOGA. Actually Brahmakumari’s way is to traps the person by isolating him from his family, friends and the society. They do this by telling them not to eat their food, telling them that now he is a Brahamin and he should stay away from Shudras etc.
      A person under regular self-hypnosis, eating less energy food and staying away from friends and relatives gets mentally weak day by day thus an easy prey for the Brahmakumaris. Brahmakumaris then takes their services in the form of ” tan-man-dhan”. TAN – free labuor. Man – mind manipulation. DHAN – donations.

    2. Jayadeep Chellath

      He must be gaining some financial or other gains through them. So do not advocate for another person make your choice right in the life. Foccus on yourself first.He can also be a fraud too

  10. naresh

    I had recently attended a 7 days meditation camp with BKS, which was free of cost and I liked it except for some of the theories which seemed logical but not a complete truth. But these theories are of no use, as these does not effect my life. I find peace in the processes taught there, that’s all that is needed.
    Any organisation is run by groups of normal human beings, who have there own interests (sometimes vested) and is very likely to cause such controversies. But, BKS always teach of adjustment and love and not criticism or fight. Many a times corrupt minded and dis-honest people creep into any organisation, which causes a downfall of the organisation. But, it requires patience and determination in those other followers who are dedicated and are not harmful, but should get up and strongly submit replies to any baseless criticisms.
    All religions teach of purity, peace, happiness, divine love, and such other excellent qualities which all of us want. This is all BKS teaches and noting else. So don’t cognise the evil part but accept only the best.
    Let everyone become a best person and a highly pure soul.

    1. Jayadeep Chellath

      Teaching is excellent, but the problem is they are not obeying the teaching. They make human gurus and they worship brahama baba and dadis ( idol worshiping) . that is the issue if you are addressing then i am with you. But if you hate onion and purity then you are not the kind i would like to address. Because it has nothing to do with brahma kumari


    brahmakumaris are like terrorist camp they brain wash people for there own good so that they can live a celebrity life there so called sisters uses audi,bmw,and mercedes for there travelling and they teach people all these things are maya(illusions) and they should not use them or build good houses for themselves,that they will recieve awards and palaces in satyuga(golden age) the next century after the destruction of whole world.They only ruin familys there culture,father stops loving his children,parents,wife ,friends and only loves bks i can write thousand of truths about them but it is of no use until unless people realise themselves that god is there within themselves and there is oonly one place to find him and that is inside u.

    1. AT

      Optomen TV is currently producing a new documentary series about sects and new religious movements within the UK and would like to speak to anyone with experience of such groups. If you or anyone you know was, or perhaps still are, involved with one of these groups we’re keen to hear from you. You can contact us in the strictest of confidence at sects@optomen.com and any personal details you give will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and only for the purpose of producing this programme.

    2. Jay

      You are not forced to become a brahmakuamri and no force to stay. If you did try and dont like it then move on to another one. What is the point wining and complaining.

    3. Harry

      The BK’s are nothing more than a cult! My mother joined in the mid 80’s distanced herself from her two daughters and divorced her husband citing him as the reason. She progressed to run her own centre for a number of years. She is now quite elderly with no support from this so called holy organisation and expects the family she distanced herself from to step in which we have to help her move house and ill etc. the centre she ran was her own house and as her daughter I was considered unclean to stay under her roof! However when it comes to Christmas and Mother’s Day she is more than happy to soak up my hospitality in my home. How hypocritical is this! My mother is venomous and negative in her actions towards me behind my back and that is with not eating onions and garlic. I hate to think what she would be like if she did with all of those anger vibes she has talked endlessly about. I chose to support my mothers beliefs if they made her happy which she claimed they always have. However living very carefully financially so she would be able to leave the BK’s a sizeable amount of money after her passing when they would only use this to split more families up rather than actually putting it to good use like they claim to do. They only appear to supposedly spread positive and peaceful thoughts oh and undertake teaching meditation which in the way they do only converts further vulnerable people. Where were they when my mother a valued sister needed collecting from hospital and driving 150 miles ? How can any organisation be truly good when the followers are encouraged to reject there families and their children cannot stay in their homes. I have kept quiet for years but this organisation should be stopped. The BK’s I have met over the years have always appeared to be vulnerable or socially introverted despite some of them being very intellectual. I will actively support any activity that helps prevent more people being brainwashed and raising awareness of this organisation.

  12. Pingback: Yoga is a compulsory subject for students of a Catholic college in the Archdiocese of Bombay; Brahmakumaris are their gurus « EPHESIANS-511.NET- A Roman Catholic Ministry Exposing Errors in the Indian Church

  13. Pingback: The Brahma Kumaris and their World Spiritual University « EPHESIANS-511.NET- A Roman Catholic Ministry Exposing Errors in the Indian Church

  14. Pingback: Yoga is a compulsory subject for students of a Catholic college in the Archdiocese of Bombay; Brahmakumaris are their gurus-Revised « EPHESIANS-511.NET- A Roman Catholic Ministry Exposing Errors in the Indian Church

  15. Pingback: Yoga is a compulsory subject for students of a Catholic college in the Archdiocese of Bombay; Brahmakumaris are their gurus- Revised « EPHESIANS-511.NET- A Roman Catholic Ministry Exposing Errors in the Indian Church

  16. Mr piggles

    Where is your extensive research backed my a solid reference list and/or a bibliography(?)

    This actually holds zero value and credibility, thus, a complete waste of very precious time I (we) have on this quite beautiful and remarkable planet!

    My friend… Get a life! Go out, read a book (or 2), gets some beaver! Do something(?)


  17. Bina

    All they do is watch and watch and watch people inside their homes from the moment you enter BK building. People do not even know they are being watched, and silently these parasites watch and come to know all about you. They kicked me out after few years of joining them and haven’t stopped watching me 24/7 ever since then. Its been over seventeen years.They took away my good energy,got me kicked out of my job, stopped my going out of my home and practically turned my life into a vegetable. They then started abusing, harassing and sending bad energy causing horrendous body pains, so many accidents and injuries inside/outside my home, are even abusing my relatives, have taken over my life and mind, I can only do what they allow me to do. My life is listening to abuse daily and sustaining injuries daily. Shamelessly they carry on watching my soul (then they come to know all) and sending abuse, like parasites, every bloody day. Shame on this cult who are nothing but bunch of sadistic, deprived, society rejects of India.

  18. ishwar dere

    What is a fool? Someone who believes that the world is only 5,000 years old and all time repeats in identical 5,000 year cycles. that dinosaurs existed 2,500 years ago

    why god will repeats identical time ? and according to vedas

    satya yug = 172800 years
    treta yug = 129600 years
    dwapar yug = 86400 years
    kali yug = 43200 years

    so dont belive in 5000 year cycle

    1. Rupak kumar kabi

      Kaliyuga for 43200 years…..!!!!!!!!……..if today’s world situation is like this,so what will happen after 42700 years…….?????? God is not so rude to let his children suffer for more 42700 years……during the vedic periods the system of calculation and counting was different…but we have compared it with our system of calculation which resulted in massive misunderstanding……….it is mentioned in srciptures that in satyuga average people’s lifespan was for 100000 years…..it is illogical and also impossible……………….

      1. Chinu

        Try to realize the BK concept…… You may have personnel difficulties but at the cost of transformation of the world……….

  19. Mark heartwell

    High out there….
    I can honestly say as an x believer in raja yoga… that I learned a lot of good things through the bk ism.. professed as an absolute as so believed by some ?…and certainly most of what they say and do,can bring benefited to those that have given up on themselves freethinking and progression…

    I do still after my self inflicted pains value my time in that surrender and still have beautiful memories of the quest and cherish some of the wonderful people I met (om shanti) to those of purity in the comings and goings… and I do at times like to,relive the fantastic adventures in india…. a kinda of heavenly region of good will where their teachings are presented on to the world …it is unforgettable but one has to know still themself.
    my dreams i feel were as pure as most and I felt good with what seemed like a more spiritual realistic kind of family as to being better and making the transformations into higher energies…. it was a new perspective I would recommend to any one at least try and see for themselves what it takes to transform and acquire benefits from trying to the actual practicing of peace with in ones self which is our very foundation to a higher order and passing it on to others in a loving way if possible?….

    but please listen.. at the same time.. leave some ROOM for REASON.. this is your trip that you are on too ..honor that as well.. but you might be investigating, that good… if you respect their belief,thats ok and its your choice isnt it…. and please don’t be afraid to render questions and comments as to their dogma or godly information in the courses and belief systems ..or better still… because after all they are professing Raja yoga the highest of grand meditation,one should be able to confirm its truths on to oneself ..not through some one else..
    if you still the mind to get clarity and your intent to go to the highest of comprehension of essence at least you have a direction?this is with in you I would think and possible to be reveled .. it is important to have respect for your self and some trust in your connection with THE truth and find the possible enhancements to your capabilities as to understanding …
    if you find understanding then I guess you have found your path

    …..if you believe in the brain washing of bkism so be it this is your free will to surrender and go with that flow…you will become a dedicated bkr “is that good or bad”..?…only those that walk the walk hand in hand with their sweet restoration and talk the talk in some real truth will know I guess

    it’s the intent of the individual.. but keep in mind we are all one in the universe separated only by our self or other inflicted boundaries so maybe that’s the ultimate answer.. Namaste
    good luck to every one and a om shanti too..but if you rally to come to understand the god of your heart you are free to be that…. whose going to stop you with that and if your love still not strong enough well then you be god for awhile..ehmen….
    don’t be afraid to to walk your walk and if you believe talk it too but karma is karma……..namaste….can we be totaly transparent in the material life?hmmmmmmmmmmommmmmmmmmmmmm?

    1. Rohan

      Meditation is good. If you answer some of my questions i will happily follow Bks.
      1. According to bks this world gonna be distroy with in 20-30 years. Than why bks builting building whos last more than 100 years.
      2. For example,if whole world follow bks than they can not get marry. It means no re production. So in avrage say human sibilings will remain about 100 years. Than what happen.
      3.why they always after donation?? My father in law even donate his land,one of my friend donate his half of salary. He told me there are probably 1 million followers where money goes?
      4. After becaming bk follower why they donot eat the food prepare by own family. And need seprate cooking ??
      5. Whats wrong with onion and garlic ?
      6. Is onion and garlic animal product or meat??
      7. Why bks follower need to treat as a brother and sister to their own husband and wife??
      8. If only brother and sister’s relation is pure them how bks came to the earth, i do not think they fell out from the sky.
      9. Why they isolate person from family??
      10. Even bks saying loud and clearly( i really can not rember acutal number 161600 somthing number mithe bachhe their god need) why is that discremi ation??if u have 5 child how come u love only 3?

      Dear mark if u answer only one of the question i will belive bks.
      Every one know that yoga is good. They use the word yoga cleverly, and they also use very old relisio hindu relision so people belive them quickly.
      If you can answer my question with not good but turth logic than no cjoice but belive to bks .here is my email rohanrohan340@gmail.com

  20. Shocked

    My father passed away on the 20th December 2013. Whilst planning the funeral his second wife informed me that she wanted 2 BK members to do the service. I spent my childhood being terrified of him because he had a by bad temper, my mother divorced him due to infidelity and thus we had almost no relationship up until 3 years ago. I am now 42. I was horrified to learn he was part of this cult. How I didn’t put it together judging by the way he dressed and behaved is unbelievable. His funeral couldn’t be performed out of a Christian church. Despite my wishes The coffin was not allowed into the “venue” that was chosen for the service. It has been two weeks since his passing and I’m doing research on all of this and realized its a cult and brain washing facility. Here I am a grown man left yet again with pain by a man who was clearly not what he made himself out to be. He kept telling me how poor he is, lived modestly yet we found out he owned 10 properties. Now I’m told there is no living will and wonder if the BK are grinding their teeth for his money. A couple of months ago he told me he is one with nature and has conversations with centipedes. Are these people mad? It’s time these cults are properly exposed.

  21. priyanka

    my mother in law and sis in law has been following brahma kumari’s for last 5 years or more, and i have been suffering since than, one side brahamkumari’s teach self respect, and respect and love to all elders in the family, but do they really teach to respect youngers, my mother in law without fail goes to the centre but also without fail she use abusive language to her husband , to me , to my maid and to me 9 yers dauther at times such lovely teachings are been given to the ladies who go to brahmkumari’s to abuse husband and daughter in law…more over my mother in law has convinced my husband to be seperated from me, so the great thing is now my mom in law tells my husband what to do and not and if to talk to me or not…I HATE BRAHMAKUMARI*S FOR WHAT RUINING MY LIFE….THERE TEACHINGS ARE USELESS .. The ladies go to the centre TO LEARN THE LESSON OF BREAKING THE FAMILIES THAN TO UNITE THEM…FOLLOWERS OF GOD MY FOOT…PEOPLE THOSE WHO REALLY BELIVE IN GOD DONT BREAK OTHERS FAMILIES..BRAHMAKUMARI’S TEACH THE LESSON OF BREAKING FAMILIES AND TEACH HOW TO ABUSE and beat there daughter in laws….

    1. Jean

      I am sorry for you sadness and pain. I am doing as much research on this cult as I can. As for the God they believe in….I agree with you it is not the same God we do because our God is one of peace and love. If you start investigating you will learn about the 5000 year loop they believe in and other disturbing things.

      I hope and pray that you get them away from the centre and able to live a normal life again.

    2. Rupak kumar kabi

      Priyanka…your conception about the bks is totally wrong….brahmakumris teach just the opposite of what you have said….may be your mother in law is incapable of grasping the actual essence of knowledge,but for that you cant blame the whole organization….BKWSU is just like an educational institution with many students….just like some students donot perform well in the exams due to their own lack of sincerity,similarly some bks donot behave well due to their failure to understand the knowledge……i suggest u to visit a bk centre and understand its actual knowledge….i hope you will perform in you life much better than your mother in law….you will learn the actual art of living…you will experince eternal happiness and others will remain contented with u….i am also a bk…..it is the experience of me and many other bks….

      1. rajiv

        Hi.I and my family facing problem.my mom joined bk since 3 years.regular goes there without fail.left ginger onion.non veg.dont take morning tea from unbathed hand.its separating her from family members.she whole day and night talk about bk only.and watch only peace of mind channels.and say we all are soul.not ready to hear anybody.whatever they say only follows.we all say it is just for meditation purpose.but she not listens anything.she awake at 3 am.watch TV whole day.goes class without fail.everything in their control..I not knows how to solve this major problem.creating differences and even she becomes hyper very soon.please help me.out.please advise me at..raaaaajiv5@gmail.com

    3. Xyz

      This is so true.. bks do so… i m also suffering wd d same pain bcoz of my mother in law..father in law and even sis in law… they r now forcing my husband to follow bks as by doing so he will be in great peace..i am married since 3 years..its been a headache to me from past 3 years… 900 chuhe kha k bili hajj ko chali… it is like that.. my mom un law also uses damn abusive words n fights all tge tym… fact is they target easy prey..everyone is in problem with sometging or the other ….n they target them… i can tell u even mount abu..their head centre..followers are full of lust…n all followers are after money..i love my husband but i m tired of these bks.. can somebody help me..i have seen many bks staring at girls with lusty eyes..i am a great sufferer. My husband have stopped listening to me..they hipnotise people ..y cant they run wdout donation from everybody…n dey celebrate all hindu festivals..if we have come to earth then definitely will end. But when people want to b bk… then y do they start a family..n then they leave.. remaining unmarried is ok.. but after getting married is like running out of your responsibilities..dey are morons..

  22. DD

    Considering the heartbreaking stories told here by Shocked, Priyanka and others i would like to respond. Pryanka self-respect as we know it means something different in BK. One only has self-respect when one follows BK. All elders in the family are the BK seniors in the BK family. Biological family is separated and called lokik which means worldly. We are in the world they pretend to be in the world but are supposed to be in constant remembrance of their God Which is a combination of their dead leader and God Shiva and together they call it Bapdada and can’t be confused with the God as we know it. When they speak of relationships what they so like to use in their PR they mean the relationship with this Bapdada and not with human beings. Step by step BKs are pulled away from their family their children, husbands and wife’s. All human feelings and emotions are wrong and a weakness. One can not touch or sit next to any impure person which are all non BKs ore even eat their food even if it’s their own mother. They do use all sweet talk to make them look normal but their language is twisted and often the opposed of what they really mean. Your stories are one of thousands worldwide. Many families and relationships are broken because of the BK by creating obstacles and they should be stopped and exposed to the world. Stop the money-flow and the boat will sink. I wish you all the strength to deal with this remember you have more sense than the BK leaders ever had in their so called spiritual life.

    1. Ed

      As a matter of fact I was patted on the head by a person that I understood to be a fairly senior BK figure.This was very patronising.As she swished by me she said that-One day I would understand.It was an act as far as i could see showing no sensitivity,,self awareness nor humility.I still await my ennlightenment-I think it will be a long time in coming.There again people like me just make this sort of stuff up to give BK a bad name.Its all a attack by worldly peope{peope asking questions} that only goes to show how true BK is.Ah how brightly the light shines among the darkness of unenlightened minds.I am not an American but the term BS seems so applicable here.

  23. BK Amrinder Singh

    We people do understand your concerns. But the simple fact is, In this world of imperfection and Darkness, the only light has lit, n it might not light up again. Its just a matter of few years. After next 5 years, the world will see a drastic change. its better to understand rather than criticising, and specially when you don’t know about it. The terms n conditions are not restrictions that have been imposed, but they come naturally, and if there are people who are imposing, they are wrong on their part. So remember, one or two wrong cases may create the misconception that is there in your mind but the truth is that We at Brahmakumaris, teach n learn the path of holy n divine knowledge. Kindly visit a nearest Rajyoga Meditation center to clear your doubts.

  24. ramarao

    Brahmakumaris start with cheating about their goal.They camouflage their real facts with lessons in Rajayoga(not the one told by Vivekananda.) etc Thei God is Lekh raj Anand the founder of their cultHe is their Sivaparamatma not our Siva of the trinity.They dont believe in any other religion, Hinduism, Islam or Christianity.They hate all other religions as useless. But they attract people arranging exhibitions of jyotirlingas. They stupidly believe that the world comes to end after only 5000 years. First they trap devotees with meditations. After devotees are completely drawn into their fold they slowly reveal their real agenda.Then they extort money or property from devotees. I am told many homes are wrecked. Government should initiate high level enquiry into their organisation First let them reveal their real God. They are not Hindus.Let them give in writing they are Hindus. They pretend to be Hindus and use all theirmetaphoras and symbols

  25. Ed

    I came across this group years ago when i attended an introduction to meditation presentation in London.What I saw instantly put me on the alert about this group and my intuitions seem to have been quite correct.As a Hypnotherapy trained mental health practitioner I became quickly aware that their meditaion so called seemed a classic text book case of hypnotic suggestion.I was also awre intutively that as a male you could only be at home in this organisation as a feminised eunuch{my sense of males encountered who all seemed almost desperately girlish}.From what i have subsequently read this intuition seems to have been right also.A devoius group to stay riight away from.

  26. Rupak kumar kabi

    Those who are commenting against the bks,they dont even have the basic concept of spirituality….they have neither practiced meditation,nor like to move on any spiritual path…there is a wide difference between hypnosis and self hypnosis…self hypnosis is the first step towards meditation which moves our consciouness towards our own self or soul….and until and unless we experiance ourself as a soul we cannot absord God’s energies….so without self hyposis,meditation is not possible…Rajyoga meditation is a higher spiritual sadhana..one needs practice to reach its higher stages……………and detachment doesnot means physical detachment….God in murlis have never taught to renounce our family or duty…in fact he taught to be a ‘karmayogi’ which means one should perform work sincerely,yet remaining mentally uneffected by its pros and cons…a true karmayogi considers himself as instrument of God and experienes supersensous enjoyment and freeness in mind….one has to be karmayogi if one wants to be on spiritual path…this is the same knowledge as present in Bhagawat Gita……..bks encourage people to leave vices-anger,greed,lust,ego but not family members…..the bks who practices physical separation,may be have not understood the knowledge properly…..bks teach people to have divine love for all…not to cosider other people as sudras etc………i think one should be set free to believe and practice whatever one likes unless it causes any harm to society…..if one wants to observe celibacy and have pure food thats is one’s own personal choice and it doesnot harm society in any any….so in this regard even if someone doesnot like the eay of life of the bks,they should not be opposed in any way….

    1. Edward

      I do not want to enter into contention here however I would like to point out that the distinction between self hypnosis and hypnosis guided by another is regarded as false by hypnotic schools of thought with which i am familiar.The second assumption is that anyone who has any objection to your beliefs is simply not spiritual nor has any experience of either meditation nor the spiritual life.Well that’s an easy assumption to make because all other spiritual paths are wrong and your yoga is the best one-so you say .I suppose also in thinking a friends marriage that was broken up due to her involvement with your teachings was somehow accidental. but of course no harm to society?I suppose also that i imagined being patronized by a female leader who actually patted me on the head and told me-One day i would understand{subtext when you grow up?}.I do not blame you but i do think that you are under their sway.There is nothing i can do about that however things are as they are.Just do not expect me to agree with you.Then again perhaps one day i will grow up and realize the world is only a few thousand years old and Tyrannosaurus Rex was yesterday.Till that day happens I will regard rational inquiry as part of my spiritual life.

      1. Rupak kumar kabi

        The world is not few thousand years old…the world is eternal and time flows through four ages or yugas cyclically just like day and night or change of seasons…..just each kalpa is 5000 old which consists of four ages and there had been infinite kalpas before

      2. Rupak kumar kabi

        It is really hard to believe the history and geography of the world as told by the bks because since schools we are being brainwashed by Darwin’s theory,Big bang theory etc.Because they are being told by scientists,so we accept them blindly and don’t even think to do any rational inquiry about them…..but in reality scientists themselves are in contradictions and confusions regarding the truth behind those theories and modern researches have even stated them as incorrect theories…….just visit the links given below:
        http://www.darwinconspiracy.com (regarding Darwin’s theory)
        rense.com/general53/bbng.htm (regarding Bigbang theory)

        I am sure that our future generations will study something else of what we have studied because many present scientific theories would get replaced by new theories….a group of scientists is making a theory and after some years it is being discarded by another group of scientists and it is bring replaced by another theory………….so whom to believe?…what to believe?…..thats why it has been stated in murlis that present iron age or kalyuga is a false age…………so it’s better to believe in what God have stated regarding our life,world and time because God is omniscient….the God who comes within the bks is the God of all religions,the supreme father of all souls and that supreme soul is undergoing the task of world transformation not only through the bks but also through some other groups in some other ways……now whether God really comes within the bks or not, i cannot give you any scientific proof…i can only say that i had some levels of experiences which made me accept this knowledge….The same thing has occured with many other bks….the mystical experiences of the bks are something which cannot be proved or disproved……above all the main thing is that the maximum bks are happy in their bk life…..we,the bks are not fools that we become puppets and achieve nothing….obviously we achieve something thats why we are with bkwsu………………we are sure that the time will come very soon,that the descendence of God would get revealed to the whole world through the power of silence or yoga after the God’s task on earth gets over & also science would say something which would be quite similar to what God has spoken through the murlis…….rest,there are definitely some bks who donot behave properly or perform well in their life….it is their failure to understand the knowledge properly because all does not have the same capability to grasp the knowledge….and you must also know that there r some people who causes disturbances wherever they go because they are not satisfied with any thing…the same thing occurs with some bks…but for that you can’t blame the whole organization itself………….

      3. Rupak kumar kabi

        Bks respects all religions and all spiritual leaders…..it is clearly mentioned in murlis that if there had been no religions and religious leaders,humans would have got dehumanized much before…the various religions have slowed down the spiritual degradation of human souls(the human souls after descending from soul world,gets reborn several times on earth and in this process the soul gets discharged just like a battery;the various religions have slowed down this discharging process by preventing from going into vices-anger,greed,lust etc too much)….but still the soul has to get discharged one day….and that time has arrived….there are no many religions now,but still humans are getting dehumanized day by day….what is the reason??….there must be some deficiency in all religions….to fill that deficiency God has arrived….and obviously when God arrives,he provides with something new….he unlocks some mysteries which has never been seen or heard or told before….at present the same thing is happening…………the world is under the phase of transformation and during this period all souls would get purified and charged either through yoga with God or through settling down the accumulated vicious actions of several births through sufferings….the first one is an enjoyable process and the second one is a painful process……so we want more and more people to learn and practice Rajyoga so that they suffer less…it is not necessary for every one to believe in cycle of time,but they should practice rajyoga to charge themselves(souls)and get rid of sins……….we don’t hate other religions,but we want all religious people to meet their supreme God Father and receive his grace whom they were calling through various names and forms for hundreds of years……………the bks have organized all religions meeting several times to have discussions for better world…….we definitely believe in destruction of kaliyuga(present iron age),which will eventually be followed by golden age or satyuga,but still,till the last date we will serve people by helping them to come out of their sufferings,till our last breath we would think of world benefit…………………………

      4. Rupak kumar kabi

        Regarding dinosaur I would like to say that recent researches states that dinosaur and human footprints have been found together which proves that humans and dinosaur existed together at some point of time
        please have a look at this: http://www.dinosaurc14ages.com/footprints.htm
        I would also like to mention that scientists are trying to recreate dinosaur through genetic engineering.Please have a look at this: http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/27557/scientists-clone-dinosaur/
        So it is quite possible that previous dinosaurs were also created through genetic engineering when human civilizations were at it’s peak……www.pacinst.com/dinosaurs.html
        Recent researches agrees that at some point of time human civilization had advanced technology,so it was quite possible for them to create dinosaurs through advanced genetic engineering
        Please have a look:

      5. Rupak kumar kabi

        The brahmakumaris teaches something which is quite similar to the knowledge present in BHAGAWAT GITA and various indian philosophical traditions such as :1) we are eternal souls
        2) reincanation of souls till it gains perfection
        3) cyclical repetation of time
        4) control of mind,senses,positive thoughts
        5) celibacy & purity of body and mind
        so you can’t say that BKWSU is non-spiritual unless you are against the indian philosophical and spiritual traditions

      6. Rupak kumar kabi

        The brahma kumaris organization faces criticisms mainly because it encourages celibacy or brahmacharya…….but for your information, celibacy or brahmacharya is something without which moving on spiritual path is just like a fantasy or dream……all spiritual traditions and religions have accepted it in some way or the other…..but sadly today’s spiritual leaders neglects this topic may be because of the fear of losing devotees….but brahmakumaris do not want millions of false devotees….they want a few true,powerful and pure yogis……celibacy provides the necessary physical and mental strength necessary to move on spiritual path….and it is only through purity one can experience real happiness and contentment…….the great importance of brahmacharya has been explained in the following link:
        All successful persons on earth,all great saints,all great scientists have observed celibacy atleast at some points in their life whether knowingly or unknowingly
        Whether someone is married or unmarried,one needs to observe celibacy if someone wants spiritual upliftment.You can’t achieve material sense enjoyment and spritual supersensous pleasure at the same time.
        Married couples could easily observe celibacy after having one or two children.The married couples of ancient india used to do that,and so they were contented,happy and spiritually uplifted…..but in todays world, people cannot abstain from sex even at the age of sixty!!!!…..thats why today’s people are so much morally and spiritually degraded,short tempered,easily irritable………..
        Under BKWSU thousands of couples are observing celibacy and they are quite happy with their life…some people thinks that love without sex is not possible…However within bkwsu,the married couples are having mutual love and concern for each other,yet they are pure…….the problem occurs only in case of few married couples,in which one wants to observe celibacy and the other doesn’t want to cooperate him/her at all….nothing could be done in that…..a relation which is devoid of mutual love,care and understanding,is just useless and no one can keep that relation intact……overall,i would say if someone do not want to engage him/her in sex-that is one’s own personal choice…no one can forcefully impose celibacy on someone.It is one’s own determination which compels him/her to do that……..

      7. Rupak kumar kabi

        JUST THINK…..if BKWSU’s intentions were to make money and attract millions of devotees,they could have easily removed the concept of celibacy from their dictionary just like other organizations……but they have not done that,even during the times when there were severe oppositions from the anti parties since the beginning…..this proves that their intentions are completely pure and white and their actions are purely directed towards God…………

    2. Edward

      Not the basic understanding and you know because you have been told.They are just unspiritual that’s why they object.Circular reasoning my friend.If they were spiritual they would follow my path as they do not they are not spiritual and I am immodest enough to say so.

  27. Rupak kumar kabi

    Those who are commenting against the bks,they dont even have the basic concept of spirituality….they have neither practiced meditation,nor they like to move on any spiritual path…there is a wide difference between hypnosis and self hypnosis…self hypnosis is the first step towards meditation which moves our consciouness towards our own self or soul….and until and unless we experience ourself as a soul we cannot absorb God’s energies….so without self hypnosis,meditation is not possible…Rajyoga meditation is a higher spiritual sadhana..one needs practice to reach its higher stages……………and detachment doesnot means physical detachment….God in murlis have never taught to renounce our family or duty…in fact he has taught to be a ‘karmayogi’ which means one should perform work sincerely,yet remaining mentally uneffected by its pros and cons…a true karmayogi considers himself as instrument of God and experienes supersensous enjoyment and freeness in mind….one has to be karmayogi if one wants to be on spiritual path…this is the same knowledge as present in Bhagawat Gita……..bks encourage people to leave vices-anger,greed,lust,ego but not family members…..the bks who practices physical separation,may be have not understood the knowledge properly…..bks teach people to have divine love for all…not to consider other people as sudras etc………i think one should be set free to believe and practice whatever one likes,unless it causes any harm to society…..if one wants to observe celibacy and have pure food -that is one’s own personal choice and it doesnot harm society in any any….so in this regard even if someone doesnot like the way of life of the bks,they should not be opposed in any way….

      1. Rupak kumar kabi

        Please wake up brother unless it is too late….i don’t have any intention to prove myself superior….but i want people including you to have the company of the most superior God and receive his grace, and charge your soul with the necessary knowledge and power through union with God, who has arrived for a limited time to transform this old vicious world into righteous heavenly world………..the world is going through a phase of world transformation where all souls would get purified either through yoga with God or through sufferings to clear their old karmic accounts………we want more and more people to learn rajyoga so that they suffer less….now it is only the fortunate ones who actually wakes up from the sleep of ignorance…..so brother,please do some more inquiry as i did the same and received optimum results

  28. Prashant

    True. But BK has ruined my and my little ones life. Purely they(BK) are cult that spoils family peace, especially in India where living together with family is culture. They are creating cracks in the family. The women especially should be contributing to the growth of the family are destructing it. Husband and wife are brothers and sisters, hell. My little one, they say, will be living great life with BK mother. My wife being an engineering(Computer science and engineering) graduate is now ready to file maintenance case to claim maintenance than work for living, and the worst part is laws support women blindly in India. My wife says she has rights to my earnings but the preaching of BK is stay away from all Maya. Why they want only money but not husband? OK agreed, they have to live but why bleeding husband? They claim they have the best mental power to achieve anything but why it doesn’t show up when it comes to making living?

    1. AT

      Optomen TV is currently producing a new documentary series about sects and new religious movements within the UK and would like to speak to anyone with experience of such groups. If you or anyone you know was, or perhaps still are, involved with one of these groups we’re keen to hear from you. You can contact us in the strictest of confidence at sects@optomen.com and any personal details you give will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and only for the purpose of producing this programme.

  29. Prashant

    True. But BK has ruined my and my little ones life. Purely they(BK) are cult that spoils family peace, especially in India where living together with family is culture. They are creating cracks in the family. The women especially should be contributing to the growth of the family are destructing it. Husband and wife are brothers and sisters, hell. My little one, they say, will be living great life with BK mother. My wife being an engineering(Computer science and engineering) graduate is now ready to file maintenance case to claim maintenance than work for living, and the worst part is laws support women blindly in India. My wife says she has rights to my earnings but the preaching of BK is stay away from all Maya. Why they want only money but not husband? OK agreed, they have to live but why bleeding husband? They claim they have the best mental power to achieve anything but why it doesn’t show up when it comes to making living? They say they are purifying society. Why not go and work in an orphanage help Society help suffering children in need? Why these people(BK) nice food and eat at their centers? Parasites? Ha ha they gulp everything from world and yet treat worldly people who feed them as shrudhas.

    1. Ed

      I am very sorry to hear of your situation.My wife recently divorced me although it has made no difference as i still see her whenever i am not at work.In this case there has been mental health problems.However she was not helped by taking the advice of a well intentioned but misguided BK friend that helped to have kept her confused for many years.

  30. Mark heartwell

    Peace rules… it’s the highest of foundations to realize …it could be said one is as reflective as the peace with in …some can fake it I guess living in a lie perhaps but surely it can give one the ability to quietly go with oneself on deeper levels as to openly being in the moment of your being and the divinity of peace comfortable enough to let go let flow and be-detached from the internal dialogues of perhaps the useless thought that tend to up set you and others as well.
    probably the only way to deal with any issues of being..wether your self or others I would tend to believe on must be able to disaplin their self so as to focus on the beauty in the divinity of being…. to be in the moment as kind of like a higher self detached observer that can peacefully maintain all the powerfull swirling ..some what universal energies with in the land scapes of your mind…to make the mind a stead fast reality …just like scientist try this way that way and the other angles of perspective contemplations to kind of get back to the aim and object beginning of what ever truth.. one does have to come up with the peace of mind ..that they by the explainable have indeed solved the problem and have come to understanding of that truth and convaye that to the world to be realized by those who might have the capacity or interest to travel that path…
    the foundation in revealing that truth was a clarity in peace the focus of clarity as to follow that path to the essence ..just as we travel the paths of our own as to experience the findings on the journey to the wizard of oz …a kind of a revealing the conclusion as to the cause and effect it is having on you and others …the proof of the findings of what ever lies with in those actions of energy wether through thoughts or physical manifestations it may display.. live and learn…
    absolutism is a label we might put on truth but then again that’s very relative to your being as your understanding …..can we purify our thinkings to a higher level of understanding the powers of the purity of body mind and soul one certainly might think so …thus your displayed walk in life as a beacon of light that others can feel or may see …it’s the ones that have come to terms and see the divinity in all things and learn the truth of pure intent as healing ..or the ability to gather your energies to a higher plane a real love in that purity… it’s for some the chosen path you feel as the best passion to you and the cause and effect a responsibility as to the balance of life on the living space ship planet earth mother in the all ness universe that we are really ligament wether… this that or the other …it’s about what you think and that’s the creation you dwell on being with in the boundaries of purity that one builds up in maintaining your garden of virtues a pure kind of love through the will of your disciplined mastery for balance.. that is you with a message that speaks for it’s self… truth is the being in a self-realization you can tap into peace through the invoirment some what of your personal three aspects within through practice of knowing purity is the foundation onto all other things and keeping up that truth of being of understanding….is a example of very good things as you transform with in the purity.

    I must say in defense of the bk belief system it does come down to work on self through a purity as to the om shanti which they say time and again facing your self as is to realize that what you are ..but above that to usher in a new living reality that is with in the works of purity that can change the lump of coal into a diamond through the fires of some real heart felt love in your aim and object ..that can give faith and belief you can find the fountain of youth through the gathering of virtues making one a sparkling jewel to behold…what’s wrong with that it’s a personal journey one has to make in self realization …
    Potentially trim the very smallest point of the all in the universe to the almost pure empty ness …. perhaps just like the Big Bang of creation out of nothing it seems …never the less the god in all can only be reached by the starting from scratch in away die alive….to be born again into the purity of what ever the image you believe…some Christ some Buddha some a BK baba as a good reference that it can be done that a immaculate conception of the new and improved you to come about…isn’t that what those who know …there is a better and more beautiful aspect of life that can be achieved through the heat and pressures of life and the disaplins it takes to transformation.
    What ever can be said as truth about theBK-ism they really do try very much to change for the good there are a lot of very good souls I would think to try to evolve and be very efficient in the transformation mostly from ones practices rather than simply the word on our brain one can take advantage of techniques that can turn coal into diamonds if you allso consider the worldly ways of the the cause and effect your walk in it produces ..reflections of consciousness through mirrors all over the place in self-realization and shine through its physicality …
    Truth if one doesn’t try how can they know but the focus from the beginning of that path ….buyer all ways beware before running head long into the honeymoons of a shared life in absolutes one has to really listen carefully and gather your questions in a diary if needed and do every one a favor to not emotionally surrender all of your worldly brains ..which good or bad got you this far …perhaps your truth of being is all you have to share in your own honesty of what ever…
    In ending I must honestly say what ever one can say about any religions belief in absolutes you are still you until you become that living truth you are what you are.. simply Devine in the universe in a time for all things….namaste….this got long hope it’s of some help ………..namaste

  31. Mark heartwell

    Hi again …just to make it beer in regards to dat word ligament in the above email …after clairity of mined its not ligitimate to the truth it try’s to portray in the thought context, prior to making… duh mhistake spillt wrong ..it is supoosed to be understood as wither it is legitament to make it legit to understanding troof…got to get it wrhite in trouth to be ligament one might sthink………may we all come to be in the understanding of truth the best we can in honesty…or perhaps roll the dice and see feel or be what appens as to the …..clarity of authentically being legitimate and be of divinity mutually understood….om shanti
    namaste is ligit …it speaks for it’s self.ehmen.

  32. Deepa

    Sick organisation, Sick people… personal expereince within the family! They are devils in disguise… What can they teach when they don’t hv basic sense of what humanity is??/ IF the soooo called gyanis can leave a dying soul (own family member) unattended is that what they teach n learn in this sick orgnaisation?????????????????????
    First learn to b human, then talk gyan!!! They make hell of people’s lives here on earth!!! But, karma will definitely serve each one of them. N what about this fake superiority.. Start service AT HOME, n then PREACH! HYPOCRATS!!!!!
    SHAME ON THE ENTIRE ORGANISATION!!! IT should hv been banned long back! But everything evil has an end!!! How much hog-wash! When sex is fine for these idiots before marriage, how does it become sin after getting married! They fool people, mess up their family lives, n create loyal dogs of men for themselves! But the same GOD they r trying to fool, will serve them right one day!!!

    1. Shocked

      Thank you so much and well said. There isn’t much I can add to that. I’ve been seeing a therapist for 6 months now trying to deal with the things I found out about my father being involved in this cult. This is the impact it has on people’s lives. It’s messes families up. It messed me up but I finally understand why he treated me the way he did. This is what they do and this is how they alienate their loved ones. Too bad he passed away before I became strong enough and knowledgable enough about this to confront him.

      1. Ed

        Hope the therapist will help.It sounds as if you are getting some perspective on what happened as he had so obviously lost his mind to them.I hope allso that you will be able to forgive him also and realise that he was in the grip of this awfulorganisation.and that this would have distorted his responses.My very best wishes to you.

    2. AT

      Optomen TV is currently producing a new documentary series about sects and new religious movements within the UK and would like to speak to anyone with experience of such groups. If you or anyone you know was, or perhaps still are, involved with one of these groups we’re keen to hear from you. You can contact us in the strictest of confidence at sects@optomen.com and any personal details you give will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and only for the purpose of producing this programme.

    3. Sanky

      I joined BK and been there for last 4yrs. Instead of peace, i experienced more self inflicted pain, disturbance etc. They say, all piled-up negativity inside coming out, how long? till i get peace. I am in dilemma whether to continue or give up

      1. Mahendrakumar

        To know more about this monster and to be free from their hypnotic influence you should visit a forum on the internet namely Bramhakumaris.info.Here very intelligent ex members who are disillusioned by their real aim and who left them for that offer advice to victims and their family members to cope with this menace.You have to register on this forum .It will help greatiy.My own wife is influenced by their propaganda and has become living dead. This forum do help in coping up the situation.

  33. K K Kanth

    All I want to say that BKs lack originality. Tell me, I am desirous to hear, has any BK taught anything which has not been taught earlier by our saints in Hindu religion, or for that matter, any other religion??

    1. nikky

      Yes, only Bks have taught that there is mind,intellect and sanskars in the soul and the whole part of 84 lives is withing the soul, the concept of soul world, subtle region and many more. I have read many scripture of Hindu religion and other religions but i have not found such things in any of that. The concept of soul is there but no one has taught that mind, intellect and sanskar are within th soul.

    1. Dolac

      I was happy and leading normal peaceful life before, but after joining BKs I have undergone lots of mental pain and agony. I joined BKs purely to experience deep love for God. However, slowly I feel I am away from Him. I have developed BP & sugar over the years. Relatives & friends have abondoned me, in family, my elder son who is not in gyan, avoid us, remain outside home most of the time.

  34. ex bk

    bk’s wasted 15Yr of my carrier.better to avoid this organisation.waste of life,money,parents everything.all things are nonsense.my request to all ,never put ur step into this organisation.

  35. s panda


    1. nikky

      who have told you to donate all ur money, leave ur family, leave ur carrier behind, ??? no one its only ur mind told you. we even join hobby classes, meditation classes, etc, and also we give some money in temples , churchs, etc we spent so much money in movies, bars etc. does our carrier or family lost in that?? No. bcoz we manage ourself. Likewise we can go to bk centres daily and also manage our lives. No one is forcing you to follow all rules unless u r surrender, you can choose it upto ur choice in which u r comfortable. Try to find out the real problem instead of blaming the organisation. Dude, no organization can run for such a long time if it is wrong one.

      1. Rohan

        Answer of running long term not because it is good but money is there.
        Terrorist are also runing their organazarion longer lot longer than Bks. R they good??do u think it is running because its a good organazation??? No because they have money.

  36. nikky

    i was a regular follower of BK but now i oftenly visit their centres. i quit it bcoz it was becoming difficult for me to follow the rules like celibacy, food restrictions. But still i can say without any doubt there is some godly might within brahmakumaris bcoz its not possible for any human being to create such vibrations, run an oragnization for over 78 years with such growth in absence of main leader( Lekhraj kripalni) and inspite of that much crticism by general public and its ex-members, it is constantly growing with such rate. I havnot not heard such thing about any organization. It is god’s miracle. Generally what we cannot do we criticise about it. Its ok if u hav felt some problems with bks. there are about 900000 bks and how can all be right. Even in schools the education is right but some students become officers while some even become criminals too. So people with different behaviour, karmic accounts, etc come to Bks. Dont even expect from the surrender bks also bcoz they are also normal humans who are on spiritual path. Remember no one is perfect. Besides all ,BKs are doing a great work in changing world. Besides all these criticism people are still going to bks. So i want to request all Ex-Bks please not to say anything wrong about any organisation on such websites, if u really have guts then make a team prove it world wide that brahma kumaris are fake/cult. If u have doubt on how to make team take help from brahmakumaris.info its a ex-bk site.
    I am openly challenging you all Ex-Bks who always criticise about bk, If u really have guts then make a team of yours and prove it world wide that bks are fake.

  37. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

    Brahama Kumaries are the biggest of frauds. They call their senior most Dadi and to be a Dadi and enjoy the status, you have to give birth to a Son. When you have not even married, how can you deserve to be a Dadi. They are a BIG curse on our society, rather on humanity. They are cheats and preach something that they have not experienced. They are abusing GOD and all other religions. Their entire Cult and its operations and financial sources need to be investigated. They need to be exposed ASAP and before they destroy other families.

  38. sachin

    Brahama kumaries are the biggest fraud. my family is suffering a lot due to joined my wife bk organisation. since last 4 year my wife was joined this center she insist me a lot to come & take a 7 days course . i attend a 7 day course & understand they are making a fool of innocent person. they are wrongly interpreted our Sanatan dharm to innocent person .(those who have lack knowledge of hindu dharm or cheated by dhongi baba or our some tedious rituals. after Brahm Kumaries gyan she is not interest in physical relation with me & stop eating out side food & not interested in any relation with any family members. so many time she told me she can leave every thing for shiv baba. i do’t know who is shiv baba. my two young childern & siner parents are suffering badly. when we try to understand this issue than she is so rigid to listen any world. i am 100% sure the are doing hypnotism in the center & guide them how to handle such pressure. please advice how can i save my family.. if anybody come again this i will will support.( kohi bhi dharm yeh nahi kahta ki young husband wife virkat jeevan gugare. agar Bk organisation sacha hai tu kulekar bole ssadi nahi karni chaiya. Bk. family ko tode rahe hai pata nah inka kya agenda hai. par yeh satya hai ki inka gyan sahi nahi hai.)

    1. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA, Chadigarh. (+91-9872000013)

      They are worse than what you have percieved them to be. They tell lies in sugar coated language and YES they Hyponatise innocent women. Once someone starts going to them they will then blackmail that lady by telling her that if she leaves she will be destroyed. Their modusoperendi is that they teach such things to a woman and tell her that only she is pure. They make her leave her family and a stage comes when she has no where to go and thenthey make her donate all her property to them. There are thousands of property cases tat these Brahma Kumaris are fighting for property.
      Their highest person calls herself Dadi. How does one become a Dadi – Once she has a son and the son get some child. When she has not married then how can she become a Dadi. ALso when they have not married, how do they know the problems of a married couple. How can they solve problems of a married couple when they have never even experienced marriage. Marriage is a very Holy institution and the Human Race will grow only with a man and a WOman. They are FRAUDS and they are Kawari’s for who ?
      They do every thing in hiding. Their Cult heads of many centers have been arrested for rape and lot of abortions take place in their ashrams. How can they go against a Natural Human System of reproduction and Love. Two individuals marry to become a family and are intimately in love and are bonded not with mere talks and prayers. Physical need if also important. Physical need is as much important for a body as Food is. ANy thing else is un-natrual and that will create problems. Time is not far when these EVIL WOMEN will be exposed.
      I am suffering on this account for the last almost 16 years.
      We need to start a forum against this CULT and expose them. I will be putting a Public Interest Litigation against this CULT for the False things that they preach. They say God is Only in thier BABA ( A sindhi jeweller – who himself was married and was accused of Child abuse) and now through some women in Mount Abu ONLY. In their Murlis (Which they dont show to all and keep changing to their convenience) They say all religions are IMPURE. They talk about Brhama. ASk your wife what is PAR BRHAMA. SHe will not know because they dont know them selves.
      I am now going to start working on ways to expose these EVIL Women and All they do is to Break Families and then make the woman to donate all her property and belongings to them. Their leaders roam about in luxary cars and they preach about thing on which they cannot give a convincing answer. They then refuse to discuss and just keep quite and not respond. That is wht is taught to them. BRHAMA KUMARIS are a CURSE to humanity and the biggest FRAUDS & EVIL Women.

      1. Harry

        I am in total agreement with you and will support any action we can take to raise awareness of the practices and hopefully protect people from being sucked into these beliefs.

    2. Pal

      I fully agree with u, those who r unmarried they can maintain celebacy, but for family, if wife is following BK, not husband or others what will the plight of husband and other family members!. This is worse than divorce, they simply break away the family by constantly mentally abusing the husband in front of wife in Murli class. Pati is torturing wife, Pati is so bad, aysa pati apko mila hai, like that continusouly tuanting husband in his absence to wife to create hatred for husband & other members by calling them shudras, patit, Bikari, Asur, Daitya, demons, bhrstracharis what not. They preach Binash or world destruction to give message that all ur money and wealth will go to waste if u do not part with them bcoz u can,nt give it to shudras.

    3. Mahesh Verma

      Sorry to say brother – bk’s rules are made only for those who are fully devoted not for the married guyes. They are just teaching – how to escape urself from depression and aggressive nature which disturbs our life. Every religion says that we must be peaceful and have patience. By doing meditation we are able to maintain ourselves. BK never says that u do not mixup with ur family members or avoid them. BK says donot heartely attach urselves with them because last resultant of that will be looser on a long run of life. In our granthas also said that maintain distance i.e. “maryada”… nothing wrong in that … I am 64 years and still I am employed in corporate services .. I will say only one thing that I have maintained myself by doing rajyoga of BKs and maintained myself physically and mentally. So brother just see the positive attitude also. thats what BKs says that if we see the qualities of a person we will be happy because his bad quality will harm him only but if we see the bad qualities then we will be filled with the same. .. so many things are there which are used in our practical life. let us choose good things only … from all the religions. rest all every body’s choice and thoughts. May God bless u. thanks.

  39. sachin

    Harpreetji i am very much convince with your view . you are right. they are doing organise crime. now the time has come to make a forum & stop this syndicate & save innocent people who had already in their trap…

  40. anand

    vinash hoga vinash hoga bolke 30 sal ho gaye ……….. still they waiting for vinash……..

    read the book the aum of all things ……………. no vinash , time to change (parivartan)

    1. anjana

      33crore soul abtak puri trh se badlne nhn unke bad account abtak settle nhn hua h satyug and treta yug ko Jane k lie 100% purety chahiye 1% v bad account nhn .. 30 saal se keh rahe h q jald badlne ko jabtak 33cr nabadlte kuch nhn hoga or hain ek din aisa situation ayega k jojo soul 33cr k andar h woh kaise v krke badlenge ..

  41. Gogi

    Harpreet ji,
    I totally agree with you. A PIL is required to be filed against this cult, They are breaking families and are interfering in marital relations in the pretext of purity. When confornted logically, they have only answer i.e., take 7 days Raj yoga course.
    Any sort of help is welcome in tnis matter. Pl contact at I_mmehra@rediffmail.com

    1. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA, Chadigarh. (+91-9872000013)

      I am on the lookout for some agressive Lawyer and will soon prepare the PIL. I am actually waiting for a reply from United Nations, who these Bhramakumaries say have acredited them.
      I have written to them and waiting for their reply. These women are so bad rather EVIL that they should be hanged. What good they are doing to the society I fail to understand.
      Do keep in touch and lets make a forum against these and all other Babas, Cults etc.
      H S Cheema

  42. Suhas Kulkarni

    Maine abhi abhi comments dekhe mujhe aisa kabhi nahi lagata ki BKs jhooti hai ,fraud hai BK to ek seva hai agar kisiko bk centre nahi jana to na jaye kisi par koi jabardasti nahi hai lekin kisiko organisation ke khilaf bolane ka koi aadhikar nahi hai BKWSU is great

    1. Gogi

      kindly guide Mr Kulkarni,

      How to lead a life with purity by a person who is married, working and is living with family.
      Are faithful and honest married relations pure or impure?

      I shall be thankful for a speaking reply in the matter.

  43. sachin

    Sorry to say Mr. Kulkarni. … Braham kumari can’t understand the value of family. they are breaking marriage of innocent person. pls. tell me what seva they are doing? I am
    sure they are doing hypnotism in the center due to this influence person can’t think. what is right or what is wrong ? i am just observing every family those family member in bk having same problem.. spoiling all relationship n family atmosphere on sake of false purity. i am suffering badly due to Braham kumari. pls suggest n help to over come this problem…

    1. harrybirch2015

      What they do is feed information to people whilst meditating which is a very deep state of relaxation. people are attracted initially by advertisements on ‘ learn how to meditate for stress’. Once they attend the classes and the information is relayed to them whilst in a deep state of relaxation. So, yes not really unlike hypnotism! This cult should be stopped as vulnerable people are being brainwashed, encouraged away from their family and are expected to leave everything they have after their death to the BK’s. My mother a BK who ran a centre for over 20 years (which was her house and her own chikdren could not stay as we are unpure in the eyes of the BK’s although anyone saying they want to learn can and of course they could be anybody) threw her 26 year marriage away distanced herself from her children and now she is older and quite needy she cannot understand why we are not jumping to her command after all these years. When she was ill the BK’s did nothing to help as she has got older and needs support it does not exist but of course she is still expected to attend every event and leave her estate to them after she dies. The BK’s nicely operate just underneath the radar and are very clever how they operate to take advantage of so many.

  44. deepanshu Sharma

    I was a believer when I was a child but as I grow old I had stop believing in god and just believe that just do good and be what u like yo be.
    my mom and brother start following bk and after a while they start giving me the lectures about god and all that I always says that I don’t believe in this shit. They continue following bk and 1stly they stop eating onion and garlic and after a while now they are forcing me to stop eating onion and garlic I don’t know what the hell is wrong with eating onions and garlic?
    on one hand they says every other religion is false and to correct there sentence they says because these are not satvic what the hell is satvic without any scientific reasons they say its bad for us!
    and now my brother had started eating only fruits and when my mom cook’s he doesn’t eats saying that the house is not pure and mom is also not pure as she cooks onion and garlic at home for me. what the shit is this. I have heard of some of there talking on there channel when my bro/mom sees that and every thing they say as just like mentalist manipulating the thought of other by taking the name of god. This thing made my life like hell I feel like I shouldn’t be at home anymore because I can’t tolerate this shit any more. I just wanted that my mom and brother should realise that the are getting into worng organisation as they are just shit as they says who the hell are you to say what to do or not, every this they says are illogical and sens less. I just want that some serious action must be taken against them in order to save other families and other people’s lives!

  45. sachin

    BK are making fool to innocent people but I still could’t understand their purity. simple they are breaking family. I think we all have suffering on same types of problems.we all should come forward And oppose this fundamentally fake organisation.

    1. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

      Lets start a forum. My phone No is 9872000013. Lets plan to file some kind of a PIL. These women are a curse on humanity.

      1. Shilpa

        The govt should ban this organization and audit this organization and put behind bar these frauds, just like asaram , ram rahim.

    2. Goswami

      I just wanted to tell everyone who against BK that BK never said that leave your family whoever living their family they actually did not understand the message. So, before you all need to clear your mind and then blame to someone. Bk never force to any one about anything it’s like a yoga if you feel to do it do it but if you do not then don’t. But why you are against them. Thanks you. God bless you all.

  46. Gandhi

    I do not believe in god…. I believe in humanity… And nothing else … What ever comes in between all are bull shit babas and these type of organisations(bks)..

  47. laurent

    My name is laurent Boer (laurentfreetheSS@hmamail.com), and I have been harrassed and manipulated by an unknown hidden cult organization
    They drugged me insidiously, hypnotized me, they programmed my mind with hypnosis and several different kind of drugs, and they didn’t hesitated to do many illegal things including:
    – Under hypnosis, mental conditioning to make me feel terror to talk about them and what they do
    – use some addiction drugs to enforce the power of the hypnotizer on me
    – At work, air spray some kind of GHB drugs to train me to work harder
    – Under hypnosis, format my personality to fit their needs
    – Follow me in shops and coffee places to make me feel paranoid, harassed and under their control
    – Under hypnosys make me watch horror and homo movies every day under addictive drugs to get addicted to this
    – Installed software on my computer so they can remotely send subliminal trigger images
    – Under hypnosis make me hear for hours daily their speech teaching me that what they do to me is great and usefull

    How to get rid of this kind of secured powerfull worldwide organizations?

    Best Regards,

  48. sachin

    Hello everyone ,
    can we take some legal, political or spiritual help to save thousands of families from this fraud
    organisation.. we all should come forward & take appropriate action against this cult.

  49. Yogesh Bagga

    This BK organization is nothing but diverting Hindu people from their religion.
    The following are the points which they focus on:
    1) Sh. Krishna was not a God., instead he was a messenger and the knowledge of Bhagwat geeta was given by Shiv Baba or the shapeless god.
    2) They always criticize all Indian deities.
    3) They differentiate between indian deities.
    4) They term their shiv baba as supreme whereas the holy hindu scriptures has said that all the deities are only the forms of that supreme power. No one is smaller or greater.
    5) They beleive in 5000 years cycle whereas the reality in hindu scriptures is far far different from that.
    6) They call and differentiate b/w Shiv and Shankar.
    and say that Shiv is the supreme and Shankar is his creation or his son.
    7) They term Mahabharat and Ramayana as fake and gives their own opinions on that.
    8) They say Shri Krishna came earlier than Shri Ram whereas it is not at all true. Shri Ram came in Treta Yuga and after that came Dwapar Yug in which Shri Krishna came.
    9) They claim Indian epics fake.
    10) Do not respect Indian Saints and Rishis of past times.
    11) They always say that Shiv Baba appears in the body of their DADI which I consider is the most foolish thing they say.

    And friends, the list of points is endless. In my opinion, the conclusion is that they just divert the minds of innocent HINDUS and intricate them in their profit making organization.

    1. Jayeta Valentine

      My sister joined the BKs in Australia 30 Years ago. She is still with them , but lives in her own home in Christchurch. New Zealand For about 20 years she came home infrequently and for a maximum of 3 days at a time. ( so as not to lose a connection with Baba??). Now she comes home for longer periods and is more integrated in the family. My father went to Mount Abu with her once …. but loathed the doctrinaire environment. We definitely thought ( in the early days ) that we would “lose her” if we said too much. Upon reflection, we made the right decision to stay relatively ‘ quiet’ The BKs put a massive splinter through our family for many many years. It broke my mothers heart that she could not cook for my sister, and that for at least fifteen years my sister was extremely detached from the family. We cant understand how an educated person can believe in that 5000 year ‘cycle’ and as for dinosaurs living only 2500 years ago ?…. ?… Oh Dear. The mind boggles !

  50. subha

    I’m supporting you yogesh they are separating Lord vishnu and shiva .They also harrasing viashnavas by telling that Lord krishna. ram. vishnu. narsimha are not god nd a simple can turn in to Lord vishnu by simple meditating .what a joke. ………

  51. xyz

    they are just fooling people.. after leaving them also,I am nt able to forget them .the reason is their influence on my mind .when we meditate there our mind is in the real peace state so whatever they say at that time we except it as truth .they say there gid is tge real 1 ,after doing so much bhakti we are the lucky ones to come there.they make us feel so lucky and prood ki baba ne Hume chuna h.but we except there words in the name of God.. bcs god ko except na karne ki bhool koi nahi kar sakta… plz don’t spoil ur brain .never Go there.people can do anything in the name of god…they are fake .making money.even they do get angry.utarte h apni frustration WO bhi.they are just like us.they do eat cheese. gol gappe made in their centre. then y do d need to do surrender.

  52. Marianne

    Massive Exaggeration of BK ‘evils’ and likening them to a cult. I went and did meditation with a local Melbourne BK group for over a 12 mths many years ago (aprox 15 yrs now) and it was wonderful. I learned to relax, trust my instincts and listen to my intuition..all these things will occur if a person takes time to listen to them selves and meditates in any fashion within any organisation/faith etc. YES they did talk about not eating onions and garlic (from my imperfect memory i think it as about it being such a pungent food and very expansive in nature and distracting). Whatever. But how is that a deadly sign of mind control…..what about HALAL foods, and not eating meat on Good Friday, good Catholics & their Fish on Fridays anybody? or eggs at Easter, or not mixing dairy and meat. So many cultures, religions or groups have certain practices around foods. I’m just pointing this out because this site has used the ‘restricting foods’ thing like it’s proof the BK are out to control your mind etc, it is a pure exaggeration and sensationalism. Oh and the DONATIONS! Um yes shock horror, when you went in for a 2 hour guided meditation, where they provided the location, seating, heating, cooling, instructor, music etc they had an OPTIONAL BOWL FOR A GOLD COIN DONATION. Sounds like covering running costs to me!! I tell you what they weren’t paying their mortgage off with my University student poor $1 coin. Shheeesh. It was also totally optional! Pass the plate anyone at catholic church? Same thing. Whoops proof right there the Catholics are a cult too. Tithing anyone? (Sarcasm)

  53. rpmbuster

    All Non Followers Beware Stay Away from bk’s …bk are maniacs and they say “just leave us alone” so who dont like bk. have no right to speak there mind and criticise bk.. Like or leave us alone!! This is typical cult behavior… bk are the most dangerous cult the worst people i have ever seen… I wish bramha kumris had not come in my life and especially the people who belong to them… I am a victim of these people
    ..bk and their dirty people wasted precious 3 years of my life today I regret meeting those people who are their followers..I was badly hurt emotionally.. Mentally… Thank god I realised very soon…but I should have left the company of their people instantly.. Now I have no contact with those people and I am at peace at last ……. They are manipulating people… There thoughts and living styles… Fake promises… if they came public with their dangerous secrative teachings they will be sued in court..I would have but I don’t have money… They say they are scientific so tell me they say dianasaurs existed a few thousand years ago like 2500-3000 ….what about science now…. Scientists and archeologists. Geologists found the remains all of them to be millions of years old.. This provesvwhole of theirr theory and teachings to be fake and false…none of their leader will be able to Clarify this one question .. Their local leader at my town snubbed me and was speechless on this question… I completely know all their techniques… They self hipnotise you take you into a state of trance and then they can manipulate you… Don’t ever try their meditation especially if you are sad or stressed in any way… you will be influenced in a bad way… I was strong enough and am extremely curious about everything so I came to know the reality very soon..and I left them. But I had newly formed friends who were there followers so I was stuck in a real bad situation due to my loyalty but soon those peoples real face came forward and I cut off with them thank god I am a free person now in peace and enjoying every moment in my life…I have proof to prove each of their teachings and reasoning fake and false so be sure ibam just trying to help you …. but i am not interested SO DONT ASK ME ANYTHING AS DONT WANT TO TALK ANYMORE ABOUT THEM…. THIS IS MY MESSAGE TO HELP AND SAVE YOU FROM THEM… AND PLEASE ANY ONE DONT TAKE OFFENCE … I BELONG TO A DEMOCRACY AND I SPOKE MY VIEWS… … Seriously any cult leader or supporter don’t msg me I don’t talk to this cults followers see ya…cheers

  54. priya. s

    I have been watching the programme awakening with bks presented by bk shivani…to be honest I like her and her teachings a lot..they have taught me a lot and her teachings are very relevant to day to day life.. Inspired by this I visited a local centre,,and there it was,, a large board with some words written,, and those words made every teaching look nonsense..everything stopped making sense thenceforth…and the words my friends were”you were here 5000 years ago,, everything gets repeated after 5000 in the exact same way” ..Isnt it baffling guys..if everything has to repeat in the exact same way then where does freewill go..isnt it the biggest contradiction to their own teaching that we create our own destiny through our own karma..and if we all are absolutely equal then why are we destined for different lives and different lives and how can we change our future when just the same things hv to repaet no.matter what…i dont knw if its a cult or not but their 5000 years loop thing is thoroughly confusing..lost all my faith in it.

    1. Carol

      Hi. I have been in this knowledge for 13 years now and I feel that it has been so beneficial to me and those around me. I am going to talk about the benefits of knowing about the 5000 year cycle since so many people seem to have trouble with that one. My teacher, Brian, is very knowledgeable, 35 years in knowledge and comes from an engineering background. He had the thought 16 years ago to extend the 7 days course into a 40 week course, which has really been fantastic for us here in the west so that we really had the time to grasp the concepts. Just to let you know our centre has been told by the powers that be in the organization, that we don’t exist. We don’t get senior visits but we still come to Madhuban. We, about 30 of us, are all okay with that. We know that our personal link with God, Baba, the Supreme Soul is all that matters, and our following of shrimat, (God’s directions) given within the daily murli, is all that matters. We still get the murli. The rest is just drama!!! The more you allow everybody just to play their part, the faster you personally progress. It’s a game. Wah drama, wah!!! The more you put others ahead, the more you move ahead. Even seniors make mistakes. It’s all okay. Okay, about the cycle. When I first heard it 13 years ago, it made me so happy and so peaceful. Just realizing that I, the soul, am really eternal and that I can never die was such a relief. To understand that I am now at my lowest point and that I can now go back up to my highest point and that I have to do that now, that this is the time for change. Wow!! It was mind blowing. All my life I had been doing paintings of the 4 seasons and I didn’t know why.. Now I knew why. After winter comes spring. Even after destruction there will be a new beginning. But first, we souls have to return home to our home of peace. God is actually here on the planet and he has come to take us back home again. So beautiful. But the drama is eternal and we get to play out our parts again. II have a wonderful part. I love my part. Now it is the time to become pure again. God gives us a recipe for that. Follow shrimat. Okay. In the past I did all kinds of wrong things but God doesn’t blame me for anything. He knows it was all part of the drama.. God loves everyone, even Hitler, Saddam Hussein and the guys in the jail that I give this knowledge to. Wah, Wah, it’s time to go home. What a wonderful drama. It’s time to take off our constumes and return home as souls and then come back here once again to play out our wonderous parts.

      1. Carol

        Here are a few more thoughts that I have about the 5000 year identically repeating cycle. You will always have free will because you don’t know what you did in the previous cycle. As soon as you do something, then that is recorded in the cycle and that will repeat again in 5000 years. Before you do the next action, (eg. should I have a glass of water right now or not?) you have free will to either pick up the glass or not. As soon as you pick up the glass it’s recorded.
        For every action each one of us performs there is consequence, seed and fruit. The cycle should make you so happy because now you can perform as many elevated, soul conscious actiions as possible, knowing that they will all repeat in the cycle in many different ways and that you will receive the good fruit from all your actions. The cycle also makes you think twice about performing wrong actions which will cause you and others pain and sorrow because you know that these actions will repeat and that whatever sorrow you give out has to come right back to you. Karma also covers thoughts too. Our thoughts are also karma and we receive thoughts from others accordingly, either blessings or curses.

        To really understand the cycle you need to be detached from this world and also your own body You need to experience yourself as a soul travelling through time and taking all your different birtths. Detached and loving are two very important virtues for becoming soul conscious and also for understanding the cycle. Some people are able to understand the cycle intellectually but are not able to put it into practice. Putting this understanding into practice means, you would never give or take sorrow again for any reason, you would follow every one of God’s directions and really transform yourself, you would stop wanting anything from others, you would be a deity, a giver, not a taker, and you would become complete and perfect, full of all divine virtues. This is the aim of the Brahma Kumaris, but we are all numberwise in being able to do this. The reason why you find such a range in the behaviour of BKs is that we actually have to be so varied because each one of us is, (without quite being fully aware of how) creating our status in the golden aged kingdom, heaven, the world to come. We are either going to become full givers, the rulers of the kingdom, or family members of the rulers, or maids and servants of the royal family, or subjects or maids and servants of the subjects etc. All of that is being created right now. It’s amazing!!!! The more you stay in peace and in your self respect, the more you give respect to others now, no matter what they are doing, the higher your position will be in the world to come,which is just ahead. It’s really all just a game, or a play, a drama.. It’s eternal. Everything is good. God loves every soul, even those who don’t understand this Raja yoga at all. He knows that such a small percentage of the world population will understand this. He still loves you. It’s okay.

  55. Sandeep

    Dear Friends, I have read everyone’s comment with sole reason to fortify my thinking about BKs and their teachings. The only request with all is to kindly refrain from abusing them, instead spread message across that innocent people, specially ladies so that they do not fall prey to them.

    All through these 2 years since my wife joined this group, I was trying to look at scientific aspect of their modus operandi to attract people towards them.
    1. It all starts from inviting people to de-stress themselves and join Raj-Yog. In today’s world who is not stressed and worried. This is their USP. This is as good as saying who do not want to be millionaire.
    2. Post 7 day Raj- Yog they invite people to indulge in Murali and Meditation. Please understand Meditation is deep sense of relaxation where your mind closes your conscious mind and activates sub-conscious mind. Anything fed during this time goes deep into your thinking process
    3. People start developing distance from their near and dears as advised by BK seniors and rely wholly and souly to BKs for their emotional needs and wants.
    4. They start considering all non-BKs impure and worthless.
    5. Lastly when non-BKs in family try to guide, advise or stop them to follow BK, they fight, resist and finally breakoff from their families and permanently join this group. Leaving the ailing family behind.

    One thing I will like to say and personally believe is that basis nature of anyone do not change or improve even if you join any Baba, Ashram, Religion or spiritual group. They are all icing on cake The cake within reappears once icing goes off. If you bring these fully devoted BKs back to mainstream they will not behave so sweet like they behave now. The anger, ego, frustration will re-appear. Every fish is cool in water because they are in their natural surrounding similarly it is challenging to .lead a Karamful life than leading a Dharamful life.

  56. LavRav

    My Wife has been a regular in bk. I have slso done rajyoga just to destress myself. But, in todays busy world, my wife became more and more invilved until a point she started practicing “purity”. I used to argue and ask for a normal marriec life. But then i gave up arguing n begging. Now i realized, she even asked me to not cook for her (any non bk wifes dream). I somehow want to save my married life n family. Pls help / advise

    1. shakti

      brahnakumaris dont force anybody to leave sansaric life,they just show a path of peace,if ur wife is staying with u than she is still in sansaric life and its impossible to live like vairagis with a family,rather no one should.she should be taught that even being like other wives she still can walk the path of purity.

    1. H S Cheema

      No comments on Islam, but Bhrama Kumaries are a curse to the society. They are against GOD.HIS creation and the natural process.

  57. Deepanshu Sharma

    Bks are same as the false treat of any irlamic believes.
    same as the any terrorist organisation they are also the curse to the human race.

  58. Wafi

    Deepanshu, it is not mandatory that a terrorist will be the follower of Islam. You lack information about what Islam is…get your info clear first then comment

  59. Deepanshu Sharma

    I m against any religion and I don’t say every terrorist is from islam. Terrorist don’t have any religion they don’t even belong to humanity. I m just saying that like any false practitioner of religion who mis guide people and make terrorist organisations, bks are also doing the same. The difference is just that terrorist kill people and destroys there family and on the other hand bks don’t kill but do the same task of destroying families with there fake and false practice.

  60. Deepanshu Sharma

    I m not against any religion and I don’t say every terrorist is from islam. Terrorist don’t have any religion they don’t even belong to humanity. I m just saying that like any false practitioner of religion who mis guide people and make terrorist organisations, bks are also doing the same. The difference is just that terrorist kill people and destroys there family and on the other hand bks don’t kill but do the same task of destroying families with there fake and false practice.

  61. Mahendrakumar

    All propagandist groups like bk and other deras who are marketing Almighty God shoud be under strict control of Supreme Court.They are managed by clever and cunning people .They brainwash cedulos and weak minded people especially woman who are mostly dissatisfied by their present lives.They promise heavenly life.It is just like any other ponzy schemes. They promise and do not deliver,cleverly employ costliest lawyers.I have lost my married life pleasure because they have convinced my stupid partner to practice celibacy.Divorcing her and rejigging life is disturbing and costly affair.Only fools and dishonest people gather in such programmes.It has been going on since time immemorial.It seems there is no real God existing to punish these roughes.

  62. shakti

    all u hav written are most out of misconceptions.they teach only pure meditation and that is just focussing on a point of light believing which is the creator of dis universe.i hav been learning dis coarse all at free of cost and we can visit there daily .there is no hard and fast rule.yes they hav a theory about the life and death cycle,the kalp ,yugas and all but they are just their view.they are not forcing anybody to believe in it and the murlis they preach also focuses on practising meditation and doing good karma.as far as concept of brahmin is concerned,they call brahmin who are mentally pure,one who is devoid of the feelings of anger,lust,greed, attachment etc or atleast trying to become like that.

  63. paras

    hello ,i know u have y doubts but now i see omg i love bks omg the feeling i just got after trying their meditation ! i felt im really me.the real real real deep down me theme that i know is there all the time but i cant experience because of all the clutter in my thinking…turns out all i need is a still mind to uncover the truth.thank you bks and god
    please give it a try omg if i didnt try this how sad would i have been.i love u all i know what ur going through but trust me i love you i love you i love you all just try it with a couple of friends and ull see wow..

    1. Michael

      Damn cult, trying to convert people again and again. Fooling people that god speak through one member of BK. As if god is that weak and would choose only them to spread his words of wisdom. He will soon enough expose you frauds. What a scam by falsely saying this is god’s words when it is their own invention. Why don’t you BK’s crawl into a cave and disappear for ever. Stop brainwashing the weak.

  64. Omkar

    Hiiiii this is Omkar from India just wanna know wheather how many people are with BK. Please reply me soon….
    * If yes why???
    * If no why???
    My whatsapp no-9665375002


    This world is full of dirty.Terrorism,rape,crimes are happening everywhere every time.We need peace in this world.And we will get that by only spiritual experience.

  66. Mark Heartwell

    Yes I am just full of it ….obviously it’s in the drama and that’s important to truth.
    So,Just some thoughts on what is pure truth..just what is pure truth? ..is that the absolute truth as in no beginning no end…so (a absolute one God),is said to be pure truth I repeat (pure truth absolute truth) . IT IS WRITTEN in whoes ever religion as ..absolutely the word of the one and only true God …om shanti,Ehmen or are you kidding me perhaps?.. emen om.
    To think about it .. isn’t that REALLY quite wonderful, that in HIS absolutism ..because it’s only him that knows the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God …so the truth be knowen ..
    we are all souls…just human souls we are talking about, because God doesn’t talk to animals, plants or dynasours or the great Mother Earth as to our truth to understand ..we are why there is everything,God rules ,we rule cause we know ..so there.
    perhaps we are just talking about those humans that are (chosen)( by God ) to hear his (messages of pure truth) only if you first study his instrumental (man written words that God has chosen to operate through) …those that study religion, know who these holy rollers were as describe in their holy living truth book of (absolute god-dogma ) I suggest one study the implications of the various descriptions of absolute truth and how one obtains all the blessings of believing what they are reading, as in fact the one and only God of the creation earth,universe or eternity or just a simple dot as tiny as to next to nothing ,is that homeopathy ?..always was, no being no end ,every thing is what it is .. wich came first the chicken or the egg?? …spittle and dust a rib and away you go there’s the word for you to choose or be chosen .
    well k now if you are looking for salvation through how God dictates his way of pure truth,even as God to knowing all the negativities and some gods know every hair on your bottom but not effected other than play his part of revelations ….that’s how pure God is he knows and understands with no effects on himself even though he enters a body to reveal Himself (first man Adam ) its his karmic duty onto his children (souls) ..as a child of God,
    Hhe God in the holy intrimental devine temple he prepared the instrumental messenger to gather the Kamari’s together to start the rebirth and destruction ..God is responsible to bring them back and the others to follow into the fold, the saved ones number wise, to be fleeced of their worldly wooly possessions which of course are not nessary in spirituality ..as truth is the Essense ..you can’t go to heaven in your under ware…strip it off and get in line to get in your proper pen of containment…here’s where your choice is taken ..if you are a believer you didn’t choose God, he chose you…think about it karmic accounts are real,they happened.
    Those pure holy vortexes coming in and out of gods temples housing the spirit of God ..through of course their living god dogma,they then point the direction in their belief (dogmas) as written which is handed down and believe it or not over the years changing becomes secondhand on and on …God slips up some how?
    Seems obviously those on their chosen, or not chosen path, that will lead them straight to their rewards through the laws of karmic effects ..as the impure ones chose the wrong path they didn’t get it ..go to the flames of the furnace to have their sins revealed and expierence all the pains they have inflicted on to others because they took no personal responsibilities (fair enough)…. saying “I believe in God”, as you look at your doom,to be teetering on the edge of the abyss … bit too late for instant purification…
    well now …as you see the others very conspicuously all dressed in their reborn Virgin whites smiles on their peaceful om shanty faces,timely sprouting wings and thus able to keep out of holocaust and why not,if they learned or remembered how to grow wings of purity to elevate their being, then karma rules, justice for all ..as the stench of flesh reveals the evils of materialism ..according to their book of life ..Potentiality number wise ,…..
    we all have a posability perhaps, of comming to self realization through the pure absolutely true words of God in their religion …if we but hang on to gods hand and go forth and multiply the good word.
    that’s fair if we have free will ..if it’s already predetermined?,or just is,?or worked out some how?according to belief?..by the individual or ..through Devine understanding, or what some say,.. never the less we can enter into a understanding of the confluence of change ..merging to a purity in though and action as really dealing with right and wrong, via the understanding how God and the soul and life on earth works, according to whoes ever true God ?and how much of god was let in them ..this is a diamond age knowing what’s going on Eh Men brother the end is near..repent and be the word of God.
    Bottom line who is pulling the strings really …is there a absolute true pure God in a 5000 year cycle or 6000 year old creation or …..let’s see are we not coming or discovering some understandings of evolution can mere man dare to know ,that’s a truth ..or progression.. does that not reveal some truths, how pure ? does God only know.
    Never the less, is it one way or another?, or just is what it is ,”there for” I am that what I am Hey..perhaps just one life to live, think about that one,is that atheist or agnostic ..most must have thought of that ..why do you think we have religions in the first place Understanding Fear. …is an important selfrealization as to truth..
    dust in the wind ..whoes To say who God is ..is it you to pass on his absolute words are we Made of spittle and dust …sounds like evolution or magic either way it seems?

    A bottom line …evolving humanity through understanding cause and effect and what that can and does produce is a extremely useful tool in achieving higher states of order,other wise it can get hot as hell for sure
    Some times it’s wise to just take on what you can deal with as in bettering ones self from old and bad habits that simply do a lot of very distasteful damage …there is in fact a lot of very useful truths that can bring understandings as how to change for the better even if it’s not the absolute word of their proposed God of 5000 years or 6000 years or billions,and perhaps the bks really should be looked into and called apon to be transparent and of course accountable as gods chosen …may be the ones who ever have interest to see and expierence some truths of as a matter of fact, that speaks for itself as a truth and some recognized as what it really is ? wich might be in conflict with reality … because wether we are eternal souls or mere flits of growing perhaps progressing consciousness that popped out of the womb of creativity ..wether with past life histories of good and evil.. at least DNA is a trail of cause and effect …science is a wonderful look see the yee of little faith may never understand.
    still there can be changes for the better ,that’s what it’s all about any way you look at it..actual transformation through a aim and object in living life with a joy (cause and effect) wich like a pure love can be universal in common language every thing can be effected… Namaste ..
    Our life is about what we do ,karma, God, maya ,Satan ,lucifer ,the anti this that or the other ..what ever the demon of perception, or who ever holding one back ..holy cow or what ever..let’s find a way to change so that its palatable to all, as you walk in your reality one way or another..but let’s not miss the pure air of living ..let’s just say love in a way that’s noticeable
    Let’s not get trapped because of self righteousness the breeds hypocracy and absolutes,that one way or another simply speaking,has a onion and garlic odor that jolts and lingers with ones Devine or not presence….peace rules..om ?…
    please note thanks for reading or not,this is just perceptions on the road to hopefully truth or love or just communicating with others hopefully in some understandings .sorry so long ,it is what it is in the drama ..responsibility starts at home ..do we know the home.

    Bk ism is based on the laws of karma, that’s there absolute truth (so their God absolute pure truth) and his religion absolute ..no need to change gods word is there hmmm..he has spoken and can’t change his mind, or lie,can he?..just like the other gods have spoken?…
    so it’s all about the absolute laws of karma not MAGIC if there’s magic it’s not truth because it’s not understandable …
    TO get real …it’s the responsibility of the student to dillagently come to an understanding as to the reality of its truth to be accepted as absolute ..or be fooled and fool others as well…kind of like hypocracy and deceptions that can come right on down to lying and stealing ..question faith.

  67. Mulesh

    Only the people of vedic philosophy( Arya Smaj) I think are the strongest people in the world for the sake of knowledge. Their every point of knowledge is scientific based. They have complete knowledge of human life not only spiritual like the brahmakumaris. The Arya smaj can defeat any major religions of the world in open debate. Again I thanks the supreme God that he has sent Swami Dyanand G Saraswati who improved life of millions. if you are obsessed of Brahmakumaris join Arya Smaj.

  68. Bk Pravash

    Bk’s course are free of cost,0 is the fees.Money is not involved in our institute.And those who thoughts that there family has been disturbed or they had been hypnotised etc. then they can give a try by visiting our centers and completing the 7 days couse.Im sure your negetivity will change in positivity.I dont think this is a bussiness bcoz i have not paid even 1 paisa to the center for 7 days.

    In this age called Kalyug,People will throw 5-100 rupess but they never gives advice/knowledge in free.

    The food we eat is good for health and health is wealth.Plain food is good for health.

    Join us peoples.BKSWU is always open for mankind.Think Positive,dont let negetivity rule over your mind and heart.

    Om shanti….Good morning Baba and Sweet childs of baBa.. stay blessed

  69. BIKKU kumar jha

    bks are a full fraud.They brainwash people for their personal motives.How can electric light can be a god.And also they sell stickers and lights.Also they apply a lot of facial creams etc….they life in full comforts.And tell others to leave this.ONLY the FOOL and FEARFUL person who dont have peace or have problems in minds can be made fools by bks….Why their so called baba is not for POOR people.On the name of their third class idiot baba they order people to do work and also tell yo give dhan..what a fuck

  70. kamal prasad

    In this world of falsehood, having people with false, mischievous, negative traits all over,holding beliefs that best suits them, and criticizing the one that as not caused any damage in any form whatsoever to them, it seems quite difficult for such a highly elevated, esteemed institution of international repute to thrive while spreading the message of God and His Divine teachings and Directions to the almost dead humanity of today, and to bring them back to life and render true service that the humanity of today is in desperate need of. But, as it sometimes comes in the Murli, “IS ISHWARIYA YAGYA ME ASURON KE BIGHNA BHI BAHUT PADHTE REHTE HAI”, And even God, the Almighty, cannot prevent it from happening, beacuse it is also fixed in the drama.

    1. ajay Mehra

      Very good Devta kamal prashad, you are creating GOOD KARMA by calling non BK’s as ASURAS. Rightly said Mr mahendra kumar, let them live in their paradise.

      But Mr Kamal will you please show your view on following:

      1. Do you accept the institution of marriage? If yes, then honest marital relations are part of this institution, is it correct?
      2. In a marriage, where both the spouses are leading a harmonious life and are faithful to each other, does it amount to impurity if they indulge in physical relations.
      3. How to lead a life with purity by a person who is a working and is living with family.
      4. Is it with the same formula we are to measure a dedicated ( BK sister or brother, a nun, a sanyasi, a church father) person, who have taken oath to serve a particular path with no worldly affairs, with a person, who has to earn, get married, support his or her family, bring up children, thus, contribute to the society in his own way. Is there not differentiation between the two?
      5. When we are in a relationship, any decision effecting both should be with mutual consent or arbitrary?


      1. kamal prasad

        First of all, Shri Ajay Mehra Ji,I’m overjoyed by seeing your reply to my views. At the outset, i would like to state that I incidentally happened to come across conflicting views on Brahmakumaris while visiting this blog.It was only after going through so many false allegations levelled against them that prompted me to write a few lines without prejudice to any person, or in other words,it was an honest attempt to have an objective appreciation of those criticisms. I’ve not expected that I’ll get a reply. Bhai Ji,your comments on my views was very honest and an intellectual one. With my little knowledge of the Brahmakumaris, here is my sincere attempt to deal with your qureries in seriatim:
        1. The institution of marriage is allowed in the Bks so long as it is founded on purity.
        2. Yes, howsoever honest they may be to each other, Bks propound that indulging in physical relation is the greatest dishonesty towards each other.
        3. Purity can be practised by anyone while working anywhere, and while living with family. In fact, it will improve the family environment and strengthen family ties, as “true love” is experienced and shared by the spouses with each other.And the desire for so called “love”, the name as they give to lust, no more remains.
        4. Yes, there is. A person having a wife, family, job etc, has no time to serve the world. Even if he engages in some kind of social service, his contribution is insignificant as compared to the Service of “World Transformation” that the Bks are rendering.
        5. The BKs emphasise that if the decision is concerning the well being of the family, mutual decision will bear a better result. But if the decision is concerning your willingness and firm determination to adopt purity in your life,and if the other spouse is not supporting you in this, then there is nothing wrong in you adopting decision boldly and singly. Thanking You.

      2. Sachin Pathak

        Dear Ajay ji,
        you have asked some very valid and straight question to Bk’s because i am facing serious difficulty in my marriage life. i am just asking Mr.Kamal husband n wife honestly having physical relation is not pure? if both (which one of them is not BK) are having food in one plate is it impure? Is it impure to take prashad of other deity or had food with close relative home. is it possible while we are having children to cut off from family. friends or relatives due to this co called purity.

        I felt if we are honest in our relation & perform our duty diligently it’s best worship of our beloved God.

        please d’not afraid the innocent people in name of God.

        Sachritra grahsth jeeven chalan iss samay me sab se bada dharm aur yog sastra hi aur bhagwan ki sachi sewa hai.


      3. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

        ” The institution of marriage is allowed in the Bk’s so long as it is founded on purity.” What a stupid reply and what an answer to the question very clearly asked. If you want to raise a family then it has to result out of a physical act. We are not animals who get a specif time period when they can mate for growing their species. The entire world as per BK’s is impure. They go to the extent of calling every religion as impure. Where as they know nothing. They preach about something they have no experience. I have cases where BK’s have eloped or the jump walls of the ashram to go out with men. Its just a double faced Cult. Answer another simpler question. How does any lady become a Grandmother (Dadi)? She has to have a Son who in-turn will have to get married and then on the birth of a child to him will give that lady the name Dadi or grand-mother. Here the leader of this cult calls herself Dadi when she has NOT MARRIED herself. You have to go through the institution of marriage (which is not easy) and then in the later part of your life get this privilege (Gods gift) to be called a Dadi. These FRAUD women are just CHEATING every one. How can you suggest about marriage and married life when you have not experienced it your self. They are all a bunch of Cheats who are out to mislead women who are insecure and weak in the mind and their purpose is to grab their property and make money from one way or the other. They get women who own property to will / donate it to them. They have thousands of case going on where the family members come to know about the will after that lady’s death. Just BEWARE. They will RUIN your lives.

  71. ajay Mehra

    Thanks Mr Kamal for the reply.

    1. Will you pl define PURITY in life
    2. what are the four Pursharthas as per hindu mythology
    3. Pl reconfirm your answer in para no. 5, have you BK’s affirmation to this, Pl cross check in your centre

  72. kamal prasad

    I would firstly like to delve upon the question posed by Ajay Mehra Ji. The definition of purity in the BKs is very broad. In the BKs, it is not only confined to observing celibacy and abstinence from physical relationship, but it encompasses a wide spectrum of purity ranging from physical to the subtle level of our thoughts. As they say in the Bks, the seed of all our actions, whether positive or negative, is our thought. So, in the BKs, one learns to think pure, think positive. Pure vegetarian lifestyle is another aspect of purity.As they say, “Jaisa Anna Waisa Mann” (as is your food, so is your mind). In a nutshell, actions performed under the influence of any of the five vices, i.e. lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego are impure actions. So Purity, according to BKs, means purity of thoughts, words and deeds. And Bhai Ji, so far as your third query is concerned, that is true. You can confirm the same from the sisters or brothers from any centre.

  73. kamal prasad

    I would firstly like to delve upon the question posed by Ajay Mehra Ji. The definition of purity in the BKs is very broad. In the BKs, it is not only confined to observing celibacy and abstinence from physical relationship, but it encompasses a wide spectrum of purity ranging from physical to the subtle level of our thoughts. As they say in the Bks, the seed of all our actions, whether positive or negative, is our thought. So, in the BKs, one learns to think pure, think positive. Pure vegetarian lifestyle is another aspect of purity.As they say, “Jaisa Anna Waisa Mann” (as is your food, so is your mind). In substance, actions performed under the influence of any of the five vices, i.e. lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego are impure actions. So Purity means purity of thoughts, words and deeds. And Bhai Ji, so far as your third query is concerned, that is true. You can confirm the same from the sisters or brothers from any centre.

  74. kamal prasad

    I would firstly like to delve upon the question posed by Ajay Mehra Ji. The definition of purity in the BKs is very broad. In the BKs, it is not only confined to observing celibacy and abstinence from physical relationship, but it encompasses a wide spectrum of purity ranging from physical to the subtle level of our thoughts. As they say in the Bks, the seed of all our actions, whether positive or negative, is our thought. So, in the BKs, one learns to think pure, think positive. Pure vegetarian lifestyle is another aspect of purity.As they say, “Jaisa Anna Waisa Mann” (as is your food, so is your mind). In substance, actions performed under the influence of any of the five vices, i.e. lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego are impure actions.So Purity means purity of thoughts, words and deeds. In fact, the knowledge of BKs is very simple. It can be practised by anyone. And Bhai Ji, so far as your third query is concerned, that is true. You can confirm the same from the sisters or brothers from any centre.

  75. kamal prasad

    Sorry, the same set of comment kept on being posted, perhaps due to technical problem.As there was no net connection here, i probably tried to post more than once. Sorry..

  76. ajay Mehra

    kamal ji,

    You are holding to a belief which you are free to hold. But does your and your organisation’s belief, binding on non BK relatives?
    Are all the world except BK’s are impure, because they are having physical relations with their lawfully wedded spouses. Does our constitution not give right to have sexual relations within marriage and denying this by any partner amounts to emotional cruelty.
    True, Kama, is the first VIKAR among the five, so it must be addressed and debated at first. In my humble submission, the kama as VIKAR is hereby not taken in its true meaning. It actually relates to all the BAD SEX PRACTICES like Done with an adolescent,(who does not have knowledge of its consequences), Rape or forceful, Outside and before marriage or with multiple partners, Doing it irrespective of health or mental condition and without willful consent of the spouse, etc.etc.
    Celibacy is fine, for the persons who have dedicated his/her life to a particular service, who does not marry, who is away from worldly affairs. His/her mind should be focused on that thing only and celibacy shall definitely help in having self control to them.

    But, the role of sex in a marriage must be well understood in order to get the real picture on how significant it is. When two people tie the knot of holy matrimony, they vow to share and stay as one entity. They become family, friends and lovers of each other for the rest of their life. Sex is an expression of the intimacy that a married couple share. It is one way of expressing love to each other. It becomes Kamkala or ART OF SEX and not KAMA to bring guilt in your mind. Are all the married leading a normal life are IMPURE and cannot practice Rajyoga? What if the couple wants children and their marriage is sexless? Having sex outside the marriage, forceful sex, unnatural sex is bad but sex in marriage with mutual consent and love is one of the most beautiful thing to happen in a marriage.
    All the saints went to jungles for tapasya, practiced celibacy, but when with their families,they led a normal married life, living with their wives and giving birth to children.
    I also do not agree that one cannot meditate while continuing having sex with ones spouse. On the other hand, sex is always on the mind of a sex starved body, making it difficult to concentrate, and resulting in strained relations, too.
    Don’t we all relish good and tasty food and never consider it impure, then Why the INDIRIYA SUKH OF ONE KARAM INDIRI IS PURE AND THAT OF OTHER IS IMPURE.
    I hereby reiterate that frequency should vary according to suitability, health, mood and situation, and it should always be with consent and without feeling of any guilt. But by getting preached celibacy in married life, what benefit your followers are getting in maintaining healthy relations with their spouses.
    What I am advocating here is that purity of soul does not get impaired by practicing disciplined sex within marriage, if done with consent and without feeling of any guilt. and is not harmful and does not affect meditation in any manner.
    My dear, Internet is full of speeches of learned people on this subject of lust. I have not yet come across any such, who says that honest, faithful, mutually agreed exchange of love between a sacredly and lawfully wedded couple comes under the preview of LUST.
    If required I can post few of them here, but brother for Baba’s sake, come out of your shell. Rather than preaching them to be faithful and honest to each other, do not peep into their bed rooms by guiding them what to do there, it is a matter of their privacy. Do not become the cause of broken families. Teach them moderation and be moderate in your preaching also.

    1. Sachin Pathak

      Mehra ji
      you have explained very well about BK’s purity claim.

      i have read so many article from BK’s and asked simple question… is it impure if married couple having physical relationship?

  77. kamal prasad

    My dear friend, what i’ve written was not for preaching purity; all my motive of writing at the inception and throughout my subsequent comments was only on defying all the negative views on BKs. I’ve never preached purity; i only tried to answer what was asked, with all my little knowledge. All my focus was on expunging blindfolded and bassesess criticisms of the Bks.

  78. ajay Mehra

    Dear Mr kamal,
    Pl understand that people in general have no time to comment negatively on any person/organisation with out reason. When a tremor comes in the life on anybody,due to undue interference from any quarter, he is bound to react and defend himself and his family.

    We are not blindly criticizing you as claimed in your reply, rather showing you the correctness of facts. Instead, on your part that it is time to read what is written on wall and differentiate between lives of a dedicated BK and that of a household BK.

    Now following is the reply of our yesterday’s exchange of comments as under:

    ajay Mehra
    May 3 2016
    Thanks Mr Kamal for the reply.

    1. Will you pl define PURITY in life
    2. what are the four Pursharthas as per hindu mythology
    3. Pl reconfirm your answer in para no. 5, have you BK’s affirmation to this, Pl cross check in your centre

    Reply ↓

    kamal prasad
    May 3, 2016 at 9:32 am
    I would firstly like to delve upon the question posed by Ajay Mehra Ji. The definition of purity in the BKs is very broad. In the BKs, it is not only confined to observing celibacy and abstinence from physical relationship, but it encompasses a wide spectrum of purity ranging from physical to the subtle level of our thoughts. As they say in the Bks, the seed of all our actions, whether positive or negative, is our thought. So, in the BKs, one learns to think pure, think positive. Pure vegetarian lifestyle is another aspect of purity.As they say, “Jaisa Anna Waisa Mann” (as is your food, so is your mind). In a nutshell, actions performed under the influence of any of the five vices, i.e. lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego are impure actions. So Purity, according to BKs, means purity of thoughts, words and deeds. And Bhai Ji, so far as your third query is concerned, that is true. You can confirm the same from the sisters or brothers from any centre.
    You have not answered my 2nd para

    The Guru tells us of five vices that we have to watch out for: anger, pride, greed, lust and attachment.

    The so called 5 vices are natural instincts in all living beings( having soul, so it separates from plants who also have life but not soul) both humans and non humans.

    The problem with we humans is that we are able use these tendencies according to our wishes(bad or good), thus increasing/decreasing/stopping them at our will. This facility is not available with animals/ birds/insects etc.

    If we snatch food from dog, it will get ANGRY. They collect more food than their requirement so GREED. Bitch will bite if its puppy is touched, is ATTACHMENT. They indulge is sex according to their cycle (with the invitation of female) is LUST. No animal allows an outsider in his territory is PRIDE.

    All of these are “natural” tendencies but become vices when taken to extremes.

    We like to have nice things to keep our lives cozy. But taken to extremes – that becomes GREED. We like to feel good about ourselves and our accomplishments, but taken to extremes – that becomes PRIDE. We like to feel the sensuality of our own bodies – but taken to extremes – that becomes LUST.
    And when greed or pride or lust cause us to do things that hurt another human being – simply for our own self-gratification, then that turns into vice and we create KARMA for ourselves and block our path to liberation.

    So in my humble view `balance and moderation’ are the key factors in leading life.

    Why I insisted you to reconsider your view to my 3rd para, YOU HAD WRITTEN:
    “But if the decision is concerning your willingness and firm determination to adopt purity in your life,and if the other spouse is not supporting you in this, then there is nothing wrong in you adopting decision boldly and singly.”

    Pl see this video

    Thanks and regards

  79. kamal prasad

    Thanks once again Bhai Ji, for taking the argument to an intellectual level. I am equally thankful for posting the speech of the revered Sister Shivani Didi Ji. BhaI ji, as is clear from the said speech, the BKs are not involved in any sort of forcible conversion, it is solely the decision of a spiritual seeker. Nor celibacy has ever been considered by them as a thing to be imposed upon anyone. Although their foremost message to the human souls is that “be Pure, be Holy, be Rajyogi”, yet no one is or has ever been forced by them to adopt purity in their lives. Thanks.

    1. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

      What Shivani preaches or says has no meaning if someone sits and listens to it with an unbiased mind. Rather all the speeches of these women right upto Janki ( who calls herself a Dadi without knowing how difficult it is to become one) have no meaning. Only these so called Bhramakumari’s and Kumar’s can understand. This is because they preach against the law of nature and have NO IDEA of why we are her in this world. Kamal jee also is not answering a straight question on weather a Marriage is a pure institution. ? For these women having physical relations is impure and all are brother’s and sister. How do you then produce children. Or having children is impure activity. Rather one concludes that Have FUN and once you have had children and have a husband who can pay for your needs, become a bhramakumari. Ask these women to sit on the floor with a poor man/lady and eat food with them, they will not. They are just Cheats and Frauds. All is a money game and one that is secretly played. What has Janki, Shivan and all such women done to be deserving BMW cars and expensive Diamond and Ruby broaches. If they don’t work for money, where does it come from. Time is not far when this CULT will get exposed. Ask them to serve the needy and sick as Mother Teresa dis and as Bhagat Puran Singh did and is still being done in the Pingalwara run by this organisation in Amritsar. These women do not practice what they preach. Let them do some service to the mankind and not call every religion impure. Their Murlies are being changed to their convenience. They have hundreds of cases going on for Property which they have got donated to themselves by hypnotizing women who go to their ashrams. CHEATS & FRAUDS are the words for these women and their CULT. Only those who suffer every day because of their women following the BK’s know the pain and agony. The entire world is BAD and only these women are PURE. They do what every one else does. If their teachings are so good, why are their rapes within their ashrams and why do these women elope. Why are their abortions of these women. Kamal jee I don’t know what you do for a living. But one thing that I can surely say is that you are wasting your time money and energy and you are abusing the Almighty who created this world. Their Baba can never be Lord Shiva. He was a FRAUD also and he had cases against him in Karachi from where he ran and came to Mount Abu. Ask the locals of Mount Abu. They will tell you the facts about these women and their CULT.

      1. Mahendrakumar

        Very true.Mr.Cheema, They say every thing is allowed but serve them with tan man and DHAN.Remain engaged with the job of straightening dog’s tail.

    2. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

      What Shivani preaches or says has no meaning if someone sits and listens to it with an unbiased mind. Rather all the speeches of these women right upto Janki ( who calls herself a Dadi without knowing how difficult it is to become one) have no meaning. Only these so called Bhramakumari’s and Kumar’s can understand. This is because they preach against the law of nature and have NO IDEA of why we are her in this world. Kamal jee also is not answering a straight question on weather a Marriage is a pure institution. ? For these women having physical relations is impure and all are brother’s and sister. How do you then produce children. Or having children is impure activity. Rather one concludes that Have FUN and once you have had children and have a husband who can pay for your needs, become a bhramakumari. Ask these women to sit on the floor with a poor man/lady and eat food with them, they will not. They are just Cheats and Frauds. All is a money game and one that is secretly played. What has Janki, Shivan and all such women done to be deserving BMW cars and expensive Diamond and Ruby broaches. If they don’t work for money, where does it come from. Time is not far when this CULT will get exposed. Ask them to serve the needy and sick as Mother Teresa dis and as Bhagat Puran Singh did and is still being done in the Pingalwara run by this organisation in Amritsar. These women do not practice what they preach. Let them do some service to the mankind and not call every religion impure. Their Murlies are being changed to their convenience. They have hundreds of cases going on for Property which they have got donated to themselves by hypnotizing women who go to their ashrams. CHEATS & FRAUDS are the words for these women and their CULT. Only those who suffer every day because of their women following the BK’s know the pain and agony. The entire world is BAD and only these women are PURE. They do what every one else does. If their teachings are so good, why are their rapes within their ashrams and why do these women elope. Why are their abortions of these women. Kamal jee I don’t know what you do for a living. But one thing that I can surely say is that you are wasting your time money and energy and you are abusing the Almighty who created this world. Their Baba can never be Lord Shiva. He was a FRAUD also and he had cases against him in Karachi from where he ran and came to Mount Abu. Ask the locals of Mount Abu. They will tell you the facts about these women and their CULT.

      1. Zz

        It,s very true, such a named Shivani do very shameful act even she is very wrong in her life, she involved in complete lust and in this drama she do sex with thousands of mans or brothers and full fill their sexual needs, it’s very strange and she always exercise money for this at any time and direct from sich persons who indulge in these activities. They only dawn in sex all times and such a sexual feelings among them and work in a group in mount abu, there these people are doctors and scientist and other rich merchants who fraud money in bussiness at the name of trust. So such a lady Shivani Verma is black mailed by such persons because she is the part of their cult mainly. She work for them only for money and do wrong things and even misuse her social prospects as she is women and break man an women of society who even not accept or donate such money who they demanding for their luxury dreams behind and inside their deceptive mind or other horror picture behind this.

    3. Sachin Pathak

      Mr. Prasad,
      this is also widely accepted principal of life which every body are know nothing new in this… but what type of purity you taught in your bk center it highly suspect able because it’s creating lot of difference and tension in family like:(chuaa -chhut, snayasi jeeven, loneliness, no feeling to other, selfishness,creating dull and negative atmosphere of the family) etc.etc… due to all such things thousand of happy family in verge of splitting. i observed after meeting with so many Bk affected people & reading so many person block i founded we all are having same type of problem. sir can you explain why we all are having same problem?

      1. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

        They cannot explain. They don’t know themselves. Just following blindly without reasoning. Why don’t they answer straight. Why is it that after living happily in a family for 15 years, the woman who joins BK’s, suddenly decides on being PURE and decides to go in for a divorce. Why do BK’s encourage or allow divorce. Why don’t they announce that divorce is bad and not allowed. Divorce not only ruins the man’s life, but also of the children. How can their preaching be good. I am happy that people have come out to expose these women. Let Shivani and/or Janki answer my questions STRAIGHT . They will not because they CANNOT. Basically they are criminals of a different form. Govt. Should investigate their source and end use of money.
        CHEATS & FRAUDS is what BK’s are

      2. kamal prasad

        Dear Sachin Ji, what I perceived from your writings is that the common problem of all of you is the one: celibacy observed by your partner. For that, i am not the one who can comment on that. Because the problem is concerning physical intimacy between the two married couples and a stranger like me has not right to comment on that. All I can say is that if your spouse is firm in her principles and is not at all willing to compromise with her principles at any cost, then you have legal remedies available: you can file a suit in the appropriate court of law for restitution of conjugal rights. But the court too cannot compel one to have a forced sex. But then, it is one of the legally recognised grounds of divorce. You can, at best, get divorced and enter into remarriage.

      3. Mahendrakumar

        Yes, This is the real aim. Promise a seat in heaven, Encourage credulous women to practise celibacy, untouchability etc so that disputes arise then divor
        ce, then property claim then samarpan to Kripalani family with Tan man and Dhan.But there are so many such Baba’s in every place in india. Nothing happening. Dhabholkars and Kalburgies are murdered in broad day light.Only real God can do something.

      4. ajay Mehra

        ” Dear Sachin Ji, what I perceived from your writings is that the common problem of all of you is the one: celibacy observed by your partner. For that, i am not the one who can comment on that. Because the problem is concerning physical intimacy between the two married couples and a stranger like me has not right to comment on that. All I can say is that if your spouse is firm in her principles and is not at all willing to compromise with her principles at any cost, then you have legal remedies available: you can file a suit in the appropriate court of law for restitution of conjugal rights. But the court too cannot compel one to have a forced sex. But then, it is one of the legally recognised grounds of divorce. You can, at best, get divorced and enter into remarriage”

        Kamal ji,

        Mr Mahendra and Mr Cheema are correct in saying that you and your organisation encourage divorce. Is it your logic,ultimately suggesting divorce to a family of 30 years, instead of answering the facts quoted by us? Punjabi mein kahte hain `YA GAL MANN YA SHEHAR CHHAD”

        May you never feel the horror and agony of broken families

        And by the way is it not the vice ANGER oozing out in your replyr?

      5. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

        It is very strange to note that None of these followers of bK’s answer any of our straight questions. They just go round and round and use whatever words they can find for Purity etc and they say things that mean nothing. They are trying to God’s creations. They suggest against the law of nature. They are very very stupid and are just Frauds and Cheats. Some day they will be shown the mirror.

  80. ajay Mehra

    Dear All,

    I purposely attached the speech of sister Shivani, in which she had insisted again and again that celibacy is not compulsory in their organisation.
    Whereas in their 7 days Raj yoga classes it is insisted upon to follow celibacy and given Yukti that if it is still insisted upon by your spouse, lie down like a corpse and be in rememberence of baba. I hope Mr kamal will endorse it to be true.
    this was in reply to your following lines Mr kamal, that celibacy is not compulsory whereas you have written:
    “But if the decision is concerning your willingness and firm determination to adopt purity in your life,and if the other spouse is not supporting you in this, then there is nothing wrong in you adopting decision boldly and singly.”
    As I have said earlier also, they need to differentiate between a dedicated BK and a householder BK, and as said by sister Shivani, it should be their personal choice.

    Our many saints, political and religious leaders were celibate but they never called non celibate family persons `impure’. Pl see following text taken out of an article of a learned Hindu saint(the whole text is with me ):

    I wish the true followers and well wishers of BK could understand as said by Mr Sachin pathak why all the world is facing the same problem from you.

    Pl spare some time to watch following also:

    Thanks and regards

    1. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

      Again a stupid reply. Why do they even suggest celibacy.?? Who is BABA ? Why think about him ? He is not God. This is the main fault in these preachings. No straight answer to the questions. Just a go around talk that means NOTHING. You will see one day this CULT will get exposed. I have asked so many questions. They have no answer so they don’t reply. CHEATS

  81. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

    Read about the CORRECT history about the BABA. Not what BK’s tell you. Research on that and you will find-out . Look at their audacity of comparing a business man to LORD SHIVA !!

  82. kamal prasad

    God can change the world. God can change human beings. But even He cannot change the “Drama”. That’s why, even being an institution created by God Himself, it had to be faced with severe criticisms right from the beginning. Every noble institution pursuing some cherished goals had to go through constant and intense criticisms from the opposing forces of the society carrying some weak, selfish, self-gratifying, narrowed interests and the Brahmakumaris is not the exception. But howsoever hard they are trying to undermine the Majesty, Dignity, Divinity and Supremacy of this Great Institution, I don’t think that it will be going to bring much impact.


    I, have a friend who is in to Brahma Kumaris. This guy like to do no work by himself and depends on others all the time. So, he used to give me many projects and I used to give him incentives on each project. Already a lazy person, my friend got in to BKs and now he is into BKs for over 3 years (as he says), now finds his life is more easy and casual going, with no self driven ambitions and takes the life with a pinch of salt and hardly does any thing challenging. He also has a wife and two kinds, and even his kids some time sound like him is the degree of brain washing the BKs have done to his family. I, asked him to partner with me in project and take care of business promotion and admin/Finance. He agreed to this, but never did any thing to fulfill his responsibilities. I tried to make him realize he is not running a BK out fit but a contracting business and he need to work for it, he always says I have my own ways and every thing will be done automatically, there is no need to go on the old ways of business development. I asked him how that is going to work, since 6months nothing came from your side that developed the business? He, got annoyed and said I need to be patient and not hurry. Any body in business know one thing, setting goals and targets and mile stones to move the business upwards and not just sit and meditate for hours and expecting every thing will fall from heaven.

    So, I really don’t understand how such kind of brain washing is going to help the BK members achieve their lively hood? This man is not even a rich person who can ignore income, he most often borrows from people even for small matters. Is this the right way to train people, even in a spiritual cult?

  84. kamal prasad

    Mr. Ajajy Mehra Ji, if you are too hungry of lust, and your wife is not consenting to that, what could be done? What can i do, except giving some advice?

  85. kartar singh

    BKS will destroy our society. They claim that world will be ruined and none will survive except BKS. HA HA .Fools .If all human started to practice BK and celibacy than in 30 years , there would not be any production in population and the the world will destroy.

    BKS making fool.

    1. kamal prasad

      And by the way Ajay Mehra Ji, i was a great pleasure interacting with you, sharing some of my views with you and all the other writers in this blog. And if you found something interesting in what I’ve written, or was of any use to you, or want to explore the depth of spirituality further, then your queries are most heartily welcome. Thanks.

  86. Gautham

    I follow Brahma kumaris and I believe they are doing a great job out there. You idiot men if your wives left you it means your love for them is fake and you were not able to hold them back. May God show these maniacs the right path and let them know that BK’s rock!!
    Om Shanti!

  87. sunie

    I just want to say bk never say to donate their property it the people who are giving and their never use money for themselves go and see in Mount abu how their handle nearly 50,000 people food and everything there need that’s really great Wat there are doing there never teach wrong things about anyone so belive in them and in god

    1. ajay Mehra

      Dear Sunie,

      I take your words as written, but do you endorse same principles of day to day life routine, for a dedicated BK who has left home to service BK, and that of a follower of BK, who goes there to learn to meditate and be calm and helpful to others in his/her life?

      I hope you will kindly agree that more families are harmed, in their day to day relations than benefited, by one/two of their members joining BK, who teach them to change eating habits, have special behavior with other members of family etc.

      Pl be Honest, do these followers are calm in their heart by doing this?

      What problems we have with BK but for these actions… nothing.

      Every body has a right to lead life according to his/her wish and whim and its not wrong either.

      But when a decision effects the lives of two or more closely related persons, then is it correct to decide arbitrarily about anything?

      My humble suggestion to this organisation is that it should refrain from interfering in the personal lives of its followers, and add joy, peace, happiness, calmness, godliness, honesty, truthfulness, dignity of women in their lifestyles than insisting on substracting/leaving onion, garlic, non veg, alcohol, sex etc. from their lives, let to be left to their own choice.

      with regards,

      Ajay Mehra

      1. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

        Dear Ajay Mehra jee,
        These women cannot answer even a single question. They are HIPPOCRATES and are a CULT. They operations are based on the CULT theory and the sole purpose is to make money. It is so unfortunate that educated women and some men follow them blindly. Some how their sources of income and profits should be got Audited by the Govt. and the Income Tax department. It will disclose so many other criminal activities that are under taken under this garb of spiritual education.

    2. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

      At Mount Abu there is so much of discrimination that there is categorization for food distribution. The so call self styled chief’s, Dadi etc don’t sit and eat with the regular public as everyone else is impure. Only they are the blessed and pure. What non-sense. For everyone’s information Golden Temple serves 100000 people EVERY DAY and on special days the figure goes upto 250000. There has never been a day when food got short. NEVER. This is just one gurudwara. Every gurudwara serves langar religiously without any discrimination of Catse, Creed, Sex or Religion. Bhrama Kumaries are FRAUDS and a curse to the humanity. They have broken homes and spoilt relationships. They have ABUSED the Institution of Marriage and in turn ABUSE GOD and the HUMAN RACE. These women cannot earn a days food. They just know how to loot. They don’t practice what they preach (whatever they preach as it is is all Nonsense) and they jump there ashram walls and spend nights out. Such HIPPOCRATES.

  88. Subodh

    My wife started going to BK 6 yr back she. Rest is the same story most of ppl I read here. Starting with onion garlic, outside food & now purity.I am very deeply disturbed state of mind. An ear back after coming from Abu she started practicing purity but did not last long. But now its been a month & she has changed drastically. She has become totally heart less. My life has become hell. I clearly see her loosing.
    Its not yet too late. Can anybody help to
    Bring her back to normal life. The sudden change in her & the rigidity is scaring me of loosing her. My 2 kids will suffer,
    Please suggest what should I do??

    1. ajay Mehra

      Dear Mr Subodh,

      Very sorry to see your post. Brother, we all are stung in the same manner by this organization.
      In my humble view, instead of losing heart, we should all take steps to address the situation head on.

      Instead of criticizing them we can confront them logically by bring facts into light, and the facts are:

      1. Sexual relations between a lawfully wedded couples is NOT IMPURE. Hence no compromise on this. NOBODY HAS A RIGHT TO DECIDE ARBITRARILY IN A RELATIONSHIP WHEN THE DECISION AFFECTS THE LIVES OF BOTH THE PERSONS DIRECTLY.

      2. Taking food of one’s choice, till it does not affect your life, should be accepted and this space should be respected in a relationship. This will reduce many a differences in the relation. Same in case of dressing up.

      3. Though followers of BK become adamant, but still regular discussion with logic, does start towards making the air harmonious and positive. The life of a dedicated BK and a follower who is a householder can never be similar, and they have no answer to this. These BK’s have their families and do not preach their married young children to follow celibacy.

      4. Having discussions in BK centre with some sensible seniors and educate fresh followers about this so called purity. Even if we are able to mold one person, our goal will start towards achievement.

      5. The time has come that we should take this principle of so called PURITY to public debate and media and apprise them of the plight of relationship after a spouse joins BK. We are not to feel ashamed, rather, actually want to do it for the sake of saving our marriage and beautiful relationship.

      The one mail id is inews@zeemedia.esselgroup.com

      6. The time is coming when these BK’s will have to modify their teachings.

      With best wishes

    2. Kirpal Bhogal

      Dear Subodh
      Deeply deeply disturbed by your plight. My family of 3 kids and 29 years of marriage has been destroyed by BKs in the name of purity, peace, salvation and becoming one with God.
      After 29 years of marriage, at 57, I am sitting out of my own home alone at a relative’s home in Canada. What Om Shanti; worse than a nuclear bomb. All brain washing. The first time I saw that clock of world coming to an end 11 years ago, the needle are still standing there, All brainwashing with FEAR.
      People, any doctrine that preaches renouncing family life is not a Dharmik Path or a religion. Beware of such CULTS.
      Akal Purakh please bless this world, bless us, please give us strength to continue.

  89. mohit

    It’s is th most dangerous organisation. It spoit my family as my mother is following bk. It changes th mind n forces devotiees to giv all they. My mother wants to giv all money etc to these bas*****. I hate this bloody thing.

  90. suparna das

    i am alone… i want to join bk. plz tell me the way. my contact no is 9563404087/p8101062665 plz help me.

    1. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

      Well Well !
      Here is someone who wants to commit suicide (or join BK’s). No one can suggest a way as you have to choose one that is best suitable to you. But yes it is better than joining BK’s.
      God Bless U.


    Very well said Mr harpreet Singh

    Well Well !
    Here is someone who wants to commit suicide (or join BK’s). No one can suggest a way as you have to choose one that is best suitable to you. But yes it is better than joining BK’s.
    God Bless U.

  92. Ajay Mehra

    From: “Ajay Mehra” Sat, 3 Sep ’16 5:43p
    To: “awakening@pmtv.in” and others

    Respected BK,

    Om shanti
    In above context, Could you please enlighten me on following:
    1. How would you explain four Purusharthas as per our religion i.e. DHARAM, ARTH, KAAM AND MOKSH?
    2. Can there be same way of living of :
    a) a dedicated ( BK sister or brother, a nun, a sanyasi, a church father) person, who have vowed to serve a particular path with no worldly affairs,
    b) a person, who has to earn, get married, support his or her family, bring up children, thus, contribute to the society in his own way?
    3. Is a decision, affecting the lives of two closely related persons , honest to each other, should be mutual or arbitrary? In your view, who is doing right positive karma?
    Don’t we have choice that karma of both are positive?
    4. Does purity of soul get impaired by practicing/having disciplined physical relations within marriage, If done considering suitability, health, mood and situation, always with mutual consent and without feeling of any guilt?
    5. Getting preached one sided celibacy in married life, have your followers been affected positively or adversely, in maintaining healthy relations with their spouses?
    6. How many parents following BK path, thus living in so called PURITY, have guided their young married children to abstain from having physical relations, as being impure?
    7. Which is a better guideline from parents to their young married children from the following:
    a) (I am quoting from one of your mail)
    “Physical relation robs us of physical and spiritual strength and leads us even more deeply into sense-gratification. My power of discrimination gets weakened and spiritual vision and understanding also gets dim.”
    b) Dear, be soul cautious, every body is a pure soul, do not hurt any soul, do not indulge in relations outside of marriage, bring honest earnings for the family, respect the dignity of all the persons with whom you interact, have patience….. etc.”
    8. What is the difference (in terms of purity), between a man and woman living together before marriage and a married couple living together?
    9. Why the offspring of an unmarried child is a disgrace to the family and not accepted in the society either, and even news of being on family way of a married child bring joy to both families?
    10. Because this world has rapists, immoral traffickers, child molesters, persons having illicit relations etc.etc., is a reason, for a person not to have faithful relations within marriage?
    Are both come under the vice LUST?
    11. Recently there has been a widely talked about sting operation on a person caught with a lady, then there were after- effects of it, would there be same reaction all over, if he had got filmed for the same reason with his wife?
    With warm regards,
    Ajay Mehra
    From: Brahma Kumaris
    Sent: Fri, 09 Sep 2016 11:06:35
    To: i_mmehra@rediffmail.com
    Subject: Re: Pl Guide
    Dear Sister/Brother
    Om Shanti
    Thank you for writing to us.

    Please give a gist of your query to assist.
    Rajyoga Meditation helps us in understanding our true potential, our strengths and qualities. It gives a direction to our life. It helps us to know God and establish a very personal relationship with him. Positive thinking gradually becomes very natural and we always remain motivated. Life becomes very beautiful.

    From: “Ajay Mehra” Fri, 9 Sep ’16 11:38a
    To: “Brahma Kumaris ” and others
    Respected BK,

    OM shanti

    Thanks for responding.

    My queries are short, and to the point.

    They relate to, your guidance, to your disciples as well as their families for leading day to day life by differentiating between a right and wrong karma.

    Pl let me know, the ambiguity you have found, in these

    Ajay Mehra


  93. Y.S.Warkare

    The theories of Brahma Kumaris are fake.
    They say it’s 5000 years cycle, which is scientifically wrong. There are many proofs which says Earth is older than 5000 years. Evolution also took millions of years. We have strong proofs of evolution.
    This man Lekhraj Kripalani who started this cult is said to be rich man. At that time when he started this cult other rich and socially aware people were participating in struggle for freedom in India. And many of great people worked hard to make Indian society better. Despite all of these good things this selfish man started his own cult to godify himself.

    1. Harpreet Singh CHEEMA

      100% correct. They are curse to humanity. They are a cult with an agenda to ruin the sacred fabric of marriage and break families. They just want to make money and for that adopt any way from asking for donations directly and indirectly and by getting property of rich willed to them against the wishes / without the knowledge of their kin and heirs. We should find out some way to expose these women.

  94. Amrit

    A very healthy discussion on Bramhakumaris and cults. I will point out another similar cult by the name of Sanatan Sanstha. While BKs are at least nonviolent (as if it is a saving grace), Sanatan Sanstha is a fanatical cult. They are very secretive and their preachings border on fanatism. Some ex-members have very bitter experiences. Read about one experience on http://sanatanveil.blogspot.in/. I am in a similar situation and can feel the pain of the writer.

  95. True Yogi

    BK are most dangerous organization who target innocent ladies and hypnotize and influence them for forced celibacy which result in broken marriages. They eye on their wealth and want that they should either engage/attach the entire family ( husband and kids ) to the BK’s OR leave them. At the end the family will be broken or destroyed. I strongly recommend that you can listen lectures on you tube or TV but never go to their centers.

  96. Salim Shaikh

    I am following BKS, because I found truth there. unknowingly the reality I was also hated. I believed that there is not black magic and cheating. I want to say only that without tasting sugar we can’t say is it sweet or bitter.

  97. sharmila

    im in bks for last couple of years before my marriage and even nw im in bks but till nw they hv not askd me to be vegetarian dnt marry or ask for donations..they jst show d right way n wrong way on which v wan to go its our wish..n I believe meditation or following god is not bad..many of my frnds hv wrng believe of bks ..im an educated women professionally accountant..omshanti

  98. Patil

    Dear Friends,
    Please help how can we convience my brother for Marriage, as from last 3 to 4 years my parents are trying to convience my younger brother for Marriage who is going to BK from last 5 to 6 years…

    Till last year he used to come with family for seeing the Girl, but now from last 2 months he is denying that he will marry.. He is saying he don’t want to marry.. He is saying that why he has to marry, as in future there will be conflict in between him and his wife. We told him why are you thinking in Negative, and daily we are trying to tell him this is not good. My parents are crying and are in a tremendous pressure and Full our Family is in Tension, what to do now.. He is also telling if we pressure him for marriage then he will leave the home.

    So, please friends guide me how can get out of it.. As my parents are always crying for my brother.

    You can call me @ 9819115999 OR whats app me on 9969553777 or you can mail me @ patil_08@yahoo.com

    1. Y.S.Warkare

      I’m also facing problems in my family. My entire family, my father, mother, elder brother, younger sister, they all believes in Brahma Kumaris cult. I’m so helpless in this situation. I’m trying to convince them that its a cult but instead they accuse me of hating Brahma Kumaris org. We should think about a portal where people should be able to talk about Brahma Kumaris and other superstitious cults and a way out. If you think so please contact me my whatsapp number is 8180870513.

  99. Prasad Lakshman

    Hi Everyone,
    (My sincere message is to those who oppose or in conflict with Brahma Kumaris),

    You have freedom to live your life as you wish.And your wishes are need to be fulfilled by you alone. If Your Partner/Someone follows Brahma Kumari’s way of life!!,some are saying what about my all physical needs ?, for them too, you are the only responsible.As you became adult this world need not fall on your feet.You cannot blame on others what you could not achieve for yourself.Every human living on the planet has got his own life to live,so let him live.

    I am a BK. I believe in the following.
    Ego = —————–

    Please don’t demonize what we don’t understand?

    Be an introvert everything is hidden inside you,dig that treasure out.There is nothing at the end of universe that can more satisfy you than you yourself.

  100. Y.S.Warkare

    If you’re saying let people live their life by there own choice then bks shouldn’t convince people to believe their theories and stories and should stop their प्रचार and प्रसार. Let people believe their own religion don’t put your stories and theories in their mind.

  101. Y.S.Warkare

    At the 80th something program, PM Narendra Modi pointed out that this bk organization doesn’t do anything for society that’s why he told them that they have money, man power, and an organization which they should use for helping society besides spreading their own cult. He knows about bks and it was best way to point out selfishness of this organization. All the money and man power they have is used to spread their cult and increase property. They don’t do any social services, they just spread their cult in the name of teaching Raj Yoga meditation.

  102. mehta

    Hello , My Mom and Dad joined BK , After a months of them joining , Mom and Dad were showing energy levels , despite waking at 4 am every day to watch BK channel on TV and attending BK Morning Classes at 7 am everyday . This got me interested in Raj Yoga meditation

    However , After few months passed by , Mom and Dad started exagerrating BK too far and
    to such an extent , that i was forced to search in google whether Raj Yoga Meditation had anything to do with Hypnosis

    This made me come across your WordPress Blog , and After reading your blog post , I have got scared of seperation of me and my parents , if this cult behaviour of BK is true

    My Mom Dad has entered a stage of life , where have already brought photoframes and nightlamps of BrahmaBaba , and trying to self-hypnotise themself as per teaching methods taught to them by BK Cult members ,

    They become very aggressive instantly , if i try to move the photoframes and nightlamps of BrahmaBaba , or try to challenge their thinking about BK , also now i have became suspicious
    of them donating large amount of money to BK Cult members , by their freewill , without my consent or knowledge

    Previously ( Before Joining BK ) my mom and dad , used to share their opinions with me about buying an item of a certain kind , and i used to help them in their decisions . Now they longer ask for my opinion in their buying decision , When i ask reason for not asking My opinion , they tell me that they have to take decisions very fast from now on ( After joining BK ) , so that one day they they can end their responsibilitites of providing well furnised home to their son , and take retirement and go to Mount Abu and surrender to Brahma Kumari Cult Organisation

    Please Help , I DONT want my parents to leave to Mount Abu , I want them to stay with me and my Future Wife , in our newly furnished home , always … (Here’s my No : 7977285012)

    1. fromroopalismind

      Hi, I want to help you, so writing here on this post where someone has very easily disregard something they don’t believe in.. It is a very good intention to keep your parents with you after marriage but what if your wife and you will get clashes of interest after marriage with your parents?? won’t it will hurt all of you..?? I am in BK and is very happily married, in fact, there is a big hand of this organization in saving my marriage. Me(completely) and my husband(partially) really appreciate its teaching and knowledge and got the strength to live our dreams. We all are matured and right on our perspectives so let your parents do what they want to do..God has made them a channel to bless other souls, you are lucky to have such parents. My inlaws are suffering a lot in their lives but don’t want to take knowledge to end up their suffering. Brahmakumari’s has changed lives of people in a positive direction, We are blessed to have it in our lives.

    2. No BABA re baba

      Please let your patent know about this cult Read this : BKSU initially was OM MANDLI
      Lekhraj Kirpalani was a pervert.

      “Om Mandli”,
      A true and authenticated story
      about its activities being a reply to
      “Is This Justice?”

      by the Bhaibund Om Mandli Committee
      of Hyderabad Sind …
      Please Read it here : This is the only place where you can find everything about BKSU

  103. fromroopalismind

    When I was searching on the internet for something I am gonna write in my blog, I came across this aggressive and negative write-up about Brahmakumari’s Organization. I am a voracious reader and has been reading lots of books of Indian as well as western authors about spirituality and God. These books have given me a very broad perspective about life but after learning Rajyoga from Bks, my search for almost all my questions ended. I am a very logical person who searches for logics in everything. I never believed completely in a kind of God I was told since childhood. I don’t know how much hatred the author of this blog filled with and what wrong this organization has done with him..?? But remember you have very limited power to stand against God…
    I wanted to answer some questions you have described above. Out of which

    » belief in the imminent destruction of this world by an unavoidable Nuclear Holocaust (now overdue by 30 to 50 years)- Don’t believe what they are saying but Do you see human life more than that when there is mass disbalance of our ecology, Oxygen is reducing day by day(because of deforestation), glaciers are vanishing, ozone layer is depleted, fuels are about to vanished( it takes millions of years for fuel such as petroleum and other fuels to evolve but hundreds of years to exploit them). The kind of impurities in everything from water to air will not let our life sustain more than 20-30 years. If you will live by then, you will yourself get the answer.

    » hypnagogic, trance-like practises and repetitive auto-suggestion.– Do you have better practices to remove the vices from all souls and make them pure..?? Please share them, I’ll glad to follow if they sound logical.

    » exaggerated distinction between “pure” (their teachings and activities) and “impure” (the rest of the World’s opinions and leaders)– Convey your definition of being pure( what is wrong in calling vices of anger, lust, greed, etc as impure)?? Why are you so much offended, do you have any of these ??

    The Brahma Kumaris encourage followers;

    » not to eat food cooked by impure non-followers such as physical relatives.

    » to practice detachment from parents and children.

    » to separate from non-Brahma Kumari partners and family so as not to make any more “karmic accounts” with them that would be obstacles to their path.—

    They have given a reason behind everything which is very logical and impressive, though I am not able to follow it completely but I still appreciate it.(For the Food they eat, must be cooked by them): you have so much negativity in your write-up only…what if we could have been surrounded by people like you…all world would have been poison.

    What is wrong with detachment?? Most people are associated with Brahmakumari because they were not happy in their life and they have found that happiness their. What’s wrong with detaching with something giving you sorrow?? We came on this earth alone and will go back alone, nobody will share our debt so why not do our karma by detachment with everyone else otherwise we will always keep blaming others for our condition.

    They separate themselves from others because they are still learning to become viceless and it is very difficult not to be influenced by others when living with them. Why yogis detach themselves from others?? because they know it that they will not be able to get salvation without detaching from everyone around.

    It is not everyone’s cup of tea to understand these subtle things. We in brahmakumari will keep on spreading peace and love, you do your part of spreading bitterness…lets see who will win. 🙂

  104. Ajit Kumar

    I have attended many web classes over TV peace of mind. A comment given by sister or brother are totally based upon imagine, it’s seems that what bapdada had told earlier this is the life line of mankind.they instead to bring under cloud of blurred image of life, second you may become the follower of BK. I think it is against of evolution.It like a folk tel that some great soul enter in bapdada living body.
    In other hand I want to say they criticise the many relison, and lord Brahma and nishani confinement of mind or Liberty of a person can’t be amounts of natural love toward humanity.
    I feel that BK is moving like Buddhism, because of it was come to criticise the Murari pooja.but now a days every where all you will found Budha idols are present, I observed that in BK preches, at the end baba picture will appear and a divine light is coming from bhrikuti. Later it may define as God.I feel it not real worship or meditation.

  105. Dushyanth

    Take only good thinks from BK’s.

    If you believe they are trying to loot your money & property. Better your don’t donate them. It is purely your choice. There is no mandatory.

    If you want to eat onion & garlic you can, it’s your choice. It is very good & mandatory for physical health but it mentally affects your decision making.

    Eating non-veg is against the nature. It affects the bio-diversity. Because as per nature mankind biology is designed as vegetarian. So better don’t spoil nature, you’ll suffer for food in future

    BK says all are brothers & sisters. But anti-Bk question is what about wife. You see everybody as your bro & sis other than your wife.

    BK say no lust. By controlling the lust at least you could reduce the sexual harassment. But sex is necessary for every humans & it is proven that it solves many mental & physical ills. You should have sex only with your wife not with everybody.

    many don’t believe in 5000 year cycle, me too. But idea here is, their meditation technique is good. Their meditation is somewhat related to Alpha meditation and Secret book. As per that world is happening in force of attraction. If you send +ve thoughts to universe, you will get the same from universe vice versa.

    So their meditation technique is good. It improves decision making, makes mind & soul stronger, improves habits, affection with all etc. they do have some non-acceptable philosophy. But take only good things from everyone.


      Dear Dushyanth,

      Whatever you have written is 101% correct, sensible, wise, logical and to be followed.

      I wish and hope BK’s would understand and modify their meaning of PURITY, benefiting unlimited number of families, whose one or more members have turned BK.

      Because this world has rapists, immoral traffickers, child molesters, persons having illicit relations etc. etc., is a reason, for a person not to have faithful relations within marriage?

      Do both come under the vice LUST ?

      Ajay Mehra

  106. ShadowHand

    BK is fueled by feminism. There were male gurus earlier, now women too want to be that. But a woman can never ever become an excellent guru like a male

  107. Connie

    All very strange, get you to distance yourself from family, sign over wills to them, cant eat with family/friends, these BK’s are nuts, i have a friend who lost a family member, these people are the lowest of the low……………….should be banned from being able to practice in the manner they do, taking from people, houses, money etc, awful

  108. kamal chhetri

    Yes, BK is a dangerous institution.. for people with negative traits. If you cannot live without lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego etc, better distance yourself from them. Live your life freely, as per your wish. Because in BK you have to live life as per God’s wish..


    EXAMPLE 1.
    A person is fond of Body Building.

    He works very hard in doing required exercises and follows the proper and disciplined diet schedule. Concentrating on his passion of Body Building he leaves all other things in life, and finally becomes world renowned and gets rewarded for his muscular body

    2nd person is in other field of life, but takes good care of his health, doing regular exercise, eating everything in moderation, doing his job honestly, taking care of his family, and enjoying life.

    Is lifestyle of any one is inferior to that of other?


    In one of hotels at a honey moon destination, spy camera in room was detected by a married couple, who was being filmed while in privacy

    The couple raised the issue with authorities who (not only kept identity of the couple, hidden), took strong action against the hotel, its license got cancelled, person filming, managers and owners put behind the bars etc..

    Same day, a recording on CCTV camera, was done by one of the staff, in the office of a public figure, who was in the same action with a lady of his office.

    The recording got viral. Police arrested both of them, leader had to resign, and the families of both had to face humiliation in public, media made spicy stories of the episode, the person who recorded it, was appreciated and rewarded.

    What is the difference between the two episodes?

    If both are KAAM, then is our society wrong in behaving differently with both?

    Ajay Mehra

  110. ps sharma


  111. sruthym

    My family destroyed by these groups. I don’t know much about thease sisters. But I know their pussy has been dried out. That is what they tell them to do. Onece celebacy start no real marriage will last. I m happy to let go of these bitches.

  112. Inshika Sen

    Initially, we allowed our father to get into this organisation and gave our house for their ashram. Now slowly slowly they have captured my fathers ‘s mind. He is getting isolated from all of us and don’t talk to us. He doesn’t even care about my mother and us. Their Murli has put so much of impact on my father’s mind he has put so many restrictions in the house. No one can talk/gossip, no eating of nonveg not even onion and garlic. My mother only will cook and then only he will eat bla bla… not only this he has started giving them money in lakhs. They have spoiled my family’s peace and no one is happy. My mother cries and fights a lot with him all the day due to these reasons. I don’t know how will I get my father back to his earlier days when he was at least hooking up with us and take care of us. We all are very unhappy and in mental stress nowadays due to this organisation. My father is not at all ready to live without them.

  113. Bala

    One kind request pls… my mother oftens watchs brahma kumaris(some fake cults) videos on YouTube and that videos brainwashed my mother and separated my father and mother. It really destroyed my family happiness. I think no one should be brainwashed with this kind of videos. So pls create a awareness about this

  114. Yogesh Warkare

    If anybody wants their family tragedy because of Brahma Kumaris to be informed to India TV News channel please send your story on this email address
    India TV News channel is showing such stories every Wednesday at 8 pm. If you send your story they are surely helping. at 8 pm. If you send your story they are surely helping.

    1. Paltu

      This is a great tragedy in our life.
      My wife suddenly joined BK and lost her normal life. She oftenly behaves very roughly and uses abuse words.
      She forgot to love her children and husband.
      She became fukk vegetarian and even odes nt touch onion and garlic.
      She always makes quarrels with her husband. She does not want her husband to stay at home with her.
      Always observe BK’s program and lost her nrmal life.
      This is a cheater organization and destroy family. I heard a lot about such family destroy.
      Thousands of family separated by joining BK.
      They make hyptonise first and then snatched money and properties.
      We are all helpless and all peace from my family lost.

      Please help us to come out and save my family and my beloved wife.


  115. Boks

    yeah fu (k your stupid religion. religion is just a perverted system that has been made my man to ruin his development. and BK’s are a special kind of fu (k. just delete your existence.

  116. Subodh

    my wife is completely brainwashed by bk teachings & sisters. i am leaving in a dead relation with my wife. along with Hypnotism i strongly suspect use of some addictive drug or medicine in prasad ( Bhog) & some liquid given daily at murli time. Looking at my wife’s health deteriorating & craving for prasad, i strongly suspect some foul play,
    But i have no evidence. Pl share if anybody has any information on this topic.
    if there is some way to test prasad samples?
    if anybody has some evidence please share.

  117. Annette Henry

    With all due respect, someone spent a lot of time trying to con all of us into “the cult belief of the Brahma Kumaris. All religion is readying to come to a complete close due to the awakening of humanity. BK’s all KNOW GOD. Do believers? No, they just read scripture and believe what they’re told to believe. This last line is definition of a cult. When one is Told what to believe…..this is a cult! The Brahma Kumaris do not pass a basket for donations and you cannot even find a donation box.
    Peace and love to all of you and especially the creator of this webpage. ❤️


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